
Friday, February 20, 2015

That Was Then.... - a language poem/a stressed out poem

That Was Then...
Greg Pincus

I worried and tutted. My muscles contracted.
I stressed and was anxious.  My nerves felt compacted.
I got quite upset, and it didn't make sense....
I'm present right now but back then was past tense.

Would you believe that today marks 9 full years of blogging here at Gottabook? Yep. My first post was February 21st, 2006, so this is the end of year nine. Where does the time go???? Thanks to all of you who frequent these parts. Blogging wouldn't be much fun without you!

I can truly think of no better way to celebrate my blogoversary  than by jumping into Poetry Friday, a community event that keeps me happy week after week. Go check out the roundup of this week's Poetry Friday posts over at Teacherdance and you'll see why.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:


  1. Congratulations on 9 years of blogging, Greg! Thanks for all the laughs :-) I love today's poem!

  2. Happy bloggiversary, Greg! I always enjoy your clever, fun poems, and though I haven't been around for most of the past nine years, I look forward to being around for the next nine!

  3. Happy blog birthday -- past, present, and future tense!

  4. Happy blogiversary-nine years is awesome! I know my students will love this poem. They comment on the silliness of using the word "present", but I think they just want it always to mean 'gift'! Thanks, Greg.

  5. Greg, your poems have been making me happy for many years now and I still look forward to them.
    Congratulations on your 9th blogoversary, I hope you have many more.

  6. Happy blog birthday, in every tense!

  7. Greg, such an enjoyable poem to read aloud. I am looking forward to sharing it with the teachers I work with next week. Happy Blogging for another 9 years!

  8. Have blogs even existed for 9 years?! Congratulations! I enjoyed that poem even though it might have made my blood pressure go up a bit.

  9. Wow - 9 years! Congrats! (And I love the poem!)

  10. Fun poem, Greg. Thanks for your great poetry over the years. Nine years of blogging is impressive! =)

  11. Congratulations were extended, and are extended, and will be extended!

  12. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Congrats on 9 years! That's awesome!

  13. Happy Blogiversary, Greg! Nine years--wow! I thought I'd been a round a long time! Looking forward to reading more of your poems and interviews!
