
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Join the Readers of the Banned

It's Banned Books Week again... and this time oft-banned Dav Pilkey's Captain Underpants is on a fabulous graphic that I just had to share. Look, I'm not gonna say "you must go read banned books now!" Instead, I'll say "I bet if you/your kids read a bunch of great books, you'll find that some of them have been banned. Maybe most of them."

I love Dav Pilkey's quote, too (referenced here, though I'm not sure it's the original source):

"I don't consider the books to be anti-authoritarian, but I do think it is important, if you think something is wrong, to question authority — because, you know, there are villains in real life, and they don't always wear black capes and black hats. Sometimes they're dressed like authority figures. And kids need to know that it's important to question them."

What he says! And support librarians and teachers this and all weeks when folks try to speak for more than just their own children's reading options. 

1 comment:

  1. Love that Captain Underpants graphic. And I love Banned Books Week. I always find some great new reads in those lists.

    Some of my favorite books have been banned at one time or another, and I often didn't know until long after I'd read them. Like Harriet the Spy. And just about any book by Roald Dahl. Crazy, isn't it? That anyone ever wanted to prevent the rest of us from reading those books.

    Here's to the freedom to read.
