
Friday, April 11, 2014

30 Poets/Day 11 - Avis Harley and Charles Waters

Both Avis Harley and Charles Waters were poets who were new to me in the year that they appeared in 30 Poets/30 Days... and I'm so happy I got to make their poetic acquaintance (and hang out with Charles in person, no less!). The field of children's poetry is so full of wonderful people doing wonderful work. I'm endlessly inspired... and hope you are, too!

Perfect Pitch
Avis Harley

When you
Ache to make some music
Though you’re feeling all forlorn; you don’t
Even own a piano or
Recorder or a horn…why not

Measure out some water to eight glasses in a row
Until you hear a Do-Re-Mi, and a Fa-
So-La-Ti-Do. Then you take a tiny teaspoon—
It’s to tap a tinkly tune—and you practise for a
Concert you’ll perform at

Sunday noon. When your
Upbeat music’s over, don’t discard
It down the sink. Look around for
Thirsty flowers and then pitch
Each one a drink.

©2009 Avis Harley. All rights reserved.
(Click here to see the original post and comments)

Charles Waters

I love being me
With zits in many places,
Tripping over everyone,
Trying to eat with braces.

I love being me
With my frizzy auburn hair,
Day-Glo polka-dot wardrobe
That I carry off with flair.

I love being me
With thick ebony glasses,
Saying hello to flowers,
Attending science classes.

I love being me,
How do you feel about you?
Look yourself in the mirror,
Check out that beautiful view.

© 2010 Charles Waters. All rights reserved.
 (Click here to see the original post and comments)

It's Poetry Friday today, too, so for even more poetry joy, head on out to this week's collection of links, kindly collated by Michelle!

Yesterday we had poetry from Bruce Lansky and Carmen T. Bernier-Grand. Tomorrow... Nikki Grimes and Kathi Appelt!

Please click here for more information on this year's edition of 30 Poets/30 Days, including how to follow along.

1 comment:

  1. Two uplifting poems today-- always welcome in my book!
