
Friday, December 20, 2013

Hard To Eat - a Chirstmas Poem

Hard To Eat
Greg Pincus

One Christmas thing around our house
I'd change if I were able:
I'd never put utinsels out upon the dinner table.

This is actually an old poem of mine that popped into my head this week utterly out of the blue. I took that as a sign that, silly though it is (or maybe because it is silly!), I should post it here for the last Poetry Friday before Christmas. And so... I have! (Feel free to draw some utinsels, by the way. :-))

And since it's Poetry Friday, you can check out this week's roundup over at Buffy's Blog. When you do, you'll actually find a link to more of meeeeee, because there's an interview with me over at the Teaching Author's site today. And a poem. AND... a giveaway of The 14 Fibs of Gregory K.! So, like... go!

By the way, if you want to get all the poems from here at GottaBook emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Love those utinsels (but glad I'm not reading this with braces on!)

  2. Great interview, and fun poem. A long ago dog ate a few 'untinsels'. The aftermath was sparkly! Happy Christmas, & thanks for the poem-glad it came into your head!

  3. Enjoyed the interview and book trailer at Teaching Authors. My cat has been loving the utinsels, like they are full of catnip or something.

  4. Love the interview. Good food for thought. speaking of food, after reading THE 14 FIBS I was starving! Happy and proud of you man.

  5. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Posted on the interview page :) Up to pg 147 in "Fibs," Greg :D Lovin' it!
