
Friday, November 15, 2013

The Terrible Time-Eating Poem - a perspective poem/a time-eating poem

The Terrible Time-Eating Poem
Greg Pincus

This poem makes everyone older -
Like me, as I worked hard to birth it.
Each moment you're reading
Your aging's proceeding.
This poem takes time... but it's worth it.

Now that you've aged just a little, why not check out the Poetry Friday roundup over at Jama's Alphabet Soup? You know you want to get older with a lot more poetry....

And if you want to get all the poems (and not the other posts) here at GottaBook emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Anonymous3:36 AM

    I can't believe I fell for your time-eating poem, but I think it was worth it because now I am smiling! Two of my students have read (or are reading) 14 Fibs. They are loving it. I'm so happy to have a book that speaks to boys and is full of clever poetry. It may take time to read, but it's worth it!

  2. LOL. Fun poem, and yes worth it. :)

  3. Love the fun limerick, Greg! If you would like to make an appearance in Limerick Alley on Today's Little Ditty, I would love to to feature you and your blog! Let me know if you're interested, either by replying here or by shooting me an email at Michelle(at)MichelleHBarnes(dot)com.


  4. Though what you are saying seems sage
    I balk at what’s written on page
    Though your poem brand new
    Will stay timeless, ‘tis true
    I don’t need it helping me age!

    And of course, writing that put some more age on me...sigh...

  5. Well, aren't you clever! I like it.
