
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Talking Marketing and Talking Writing

I'm excited to say that today I'm lucky enough to be interviewed over on Debbie Ridpath Ohi's Inkygirl. I'm talking about The 14 Fibs of Gregory K., offering up some advice, and yakking about my live-streaming and in-person book launch.

And... I'm also thrilled to have a guest post up at the SCBWI blog, this time more specifically talking about marketing (with a focus on my launch and the ability for folks anywhere to get personalized books as part of it).

I'm grateful to Lee Wind for the opportunity to be at the SCBWI blog and to Debbie for taking the time to talk and put up a gorgeous looking post!

1 comment:

  1. WriterSideUp9:36 PM

    Loved the interview, Greg :) SO glad I'm following you in all these places. So interesting and so much fun :) And I forgot to bring my camera with me to Barnes to take that pic of "Fibs" face out on the shelf :D I can't send pics from my phone, so have to actually have a REAL camera with me :)
