
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Double Giveaway! - The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. and Pie it Forward

The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. is out now (yay!!!), so I've decided to celebrate with a double giveaway: a copy of The 14 Fibs AND, since pie is a big part of the 14 Fibs, a copy of Gesine Bullock-Prado's amazing cookbook Pie it Forward. We'll both sign/personalize our respective books to whoever wins 'em - you can have them both made out to you, or the cookbook to a child you love and 14 Fibs to you... or vice versa.

Sigh. Greg wants.
If you don't know Gesine's work... oh, geez. I mean, following her on Facebook or reading her blog means that, if you're like me, you'll whimper in longing as you marvel at the beauty of baked goods then swoon with the idea that you could actually make such things.

I'll have a convo with Gesine here tomorrow (and more pictures!), but now... the giveaway!

For your chance to win the books, leave a comment on this post - ideally mentioning your favorite kind of pie, just for fun. No multiple entries, please. Due to logistics and laws, entrants must be U.S. residents 18 or over. Void where prohibited, too.

Entries will be accepted until midnight Pacific time on Thursday, October 3rd. I will then use to pick a winner (odds of winning are based on the number of comments not your favorite pie type).

Please make sure that the way you comment allows me to get in touch with you - if you are "anonymous" or have no contact info available, it will be very hard to collect your prize.

And with that... enjoy some pie and enter away!


  1. Yummers. Marionberry pie is my fav yet if I can only post once yet my odds go up the more times I post I wonder how that tasty pie will ever make its way to me...

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Key Lime Pie served with a slice of lemon, or maybe several slices, or maybe just the whole pie. Congratulations and all the very best for an "ala-mode" success! Your poetry is delicious fun.
    Nancy Bo Flood

  3. Oh, yummers! And poetry! Double yummers!

    My favorite pie is chocolate cream pie--but NOT the frozen kind of chocolate cream pie. The kind you cook with the meringue topping. Is that a Southern thing, chocolate cream pie? 'Cause I don't know that I've seen it except in the South.

    And of course, now I really, really am craving chocolate pie.

  4. Congratulations on the book launch, Greg! I have 14 Fibs on order, but you can put me in the pot anyway. Would love to have two copies, one for each school.
    My favorite pie is berry pie that a real estate agent is known to drop off occasionally at my husband's office. What a treat!

  5. I love cherry pie with cherries picked fresh from my mother's tree. Yum!

  6. Congrats again! I got the book yesterday, but will use a 2nd to donate to my school library! Thanks for the chance! Favorite pie? Lemon Creme!

  7. Poetry and pie...a lovely combo! Make mine blueberry peach! Congrats on both books!

  8. Apple Pie in winter and Key Lime in summer! I'd love a copy of your book for the library where I work! Crossing my fingers!

  9. Congrats on publication! As far as pie flavors, Chocolate Cream is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway! Poetry+Pie=Fun! =)

  10. I love apple pie with vanilla and my neighbors eat it with cheese.

  11. Congratulations on your book, Greg. And the pies look yummy. Guess I'll have to say my favorite pie is "yes" pie. "Do you want some pie?" "YES."

  12. MMmmmm...pie... I have many favorites, but Dutch Apple, you know the kind with the crumbly top? Well, thst's probably my fave. Warm it up and serve a la mode - all the better!

  13. Spicy pumpkin pie, of course. Congrats on your upcoming publication

  14. Pam Day loves strawberry pie....

    and loves to try out new recipes! I teach 8th grade English and have used several of Greg's daily poems in my classes. Thanks much, Greg!

  15. Rhubarb! Of course. . .

  16. strawberry-rhubarb!

  17. Congratulations! What an exciting time for you! Watching the trailer was a lot of fun.

    I have many favorites when it comes to pie, but one I especially love is strawberry pie.

  18. Banana Cream. The pie of the gods.

  19. Apple Pie a la mode is the best!

  20. I have very much appreciated for many years your blog and poem postings. Thanks so much, and congratulations. And, my favorite pie? Apple, of course!

  21. What a great contest idea! Congrats on the book!

    My favorite is Lemon Meringue and has been since I was 6 months old. Once I was forced to eat a whole one because I had eaten half the meringue off the top before dad could set it out at a party.

  22. Steffaney Smith, Children's librarian,, says "I can never resist a piece of cherry pie. Betty Crocker, however, does my pie crust just fine! There must be a poem about a rolling pin and pie crust that won't roll out! Poem after poem, I continue to enjoy your posts. Would gladly capture these gift books.

  23. "Capcha" did not like my secret words and deleted my post! Sigh. What I'll go through to win a free book or two for my community -- however, scouting ahead at this capcha word, I'll probably get deleted again! Notify me of free book at I am Steffaney Smith, children's librarian, and I can never resist a piece of cherry pie or Greg's newest poem of the day. Thank you!

  24. Patti9:11 AM

    It has to be turtle pie for me! Thanks for asking!

  25. Linda9:12 AM

    Oh, at this time of year, I love apple pie with crumb topping, but I can't choose just one. There is a marvelous pie that uses blackberries and apples. And then there is German chocolate pie. Just so you know, my mom at 87 is still the best pie baker, I know.

  26. Shonnee9:53 AM

    Definitely Fudge Pie...still warm.

  27. Pie and poetry--what more could anyone want. I vote for apple pie, with plenty of cinnamon and nutmeg. Congratulations on your book launch!

  28. Congratulations on your book finally hitting the shelves!

  29. Congrats to you both! :D I'm going to have to go with sweet potato pie, though I recently had a peanut butter pie that was out of this world!

  30. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Apple. And peach. And keylime. And all of the above.

    Don TAte

  31. Congrats and both books sound yummmy. :-)

    Pie? Blackberry.

    Cobbler? Peach (southern style not German style)

  32. Anonymous6:30 PM

    With my thanks to Audrey Wood...Sweet Dream Pie, of course! Our variation is a chocolate cream pie with mini marshmallows mixed in.

  33. Wild blackberry pie cannot be beat. And for those of you who don't know what wild blackberries are...I'm sorry.

  34. Our Foreign Correspondent requests Banana Cream Pie.
    The Management

  35. Quite the yummy giveaway you have up for grabs!

    I'm a traditionalist when it comes to pie- I like apple pie a la mode. But not just any apple pie, it has to be my mother's recipe!

  36. My favorite pie - to eat and bake - is rhubarb strawberry crumb. YUM!

  37. Reading all of these comments has made me very hungry. My granny's apple pie with Gravenstine apples from her tree is my all-time favorite, probably because I'll never again get to eat one. (She's alive, but moved in with my parents far from the apple tree!)

    Congrats on your book!

  38. Okay, thank your bro Jon for sending me here. :) Your book, Greg, looks like a very good read. Congratulations! You should consider submitting a nomination for the Tucson Festival of Books. They are currently in the process of selecting authors. It is the fourth largest book festival in the nation. I have met a lot of great authors there, many very famous, many I discovered and then became a fan. I also volunteer at the festival. Janice Ian said ours was better than the LA festival, and that her sales were better here too. :)

    Here is the nomination page:

    If you look at their main page, you will find out lots more about it. It is a huge event here, with a lot of activities, authors, exhibitors.

  39. Chery in Arizona3:45 PM

    I need to read all about those 14 fibs. My long time favorite has always been pumpkin pie. Extra clove, nutmeg and cinnamon is key. I am also very partial to pecan pie, but because it is so sweet, I cannot eat it as frequently as pumpkin. Then, there is a good blueberry pie, which is starting to edge up the pumpkin as my favorite. I had pretty much every type of pie growing up, but the one thing I do not like is meringue. Sure, it looks pretty, but the taste? Boring. Well, I really want to read your book, but the budget is oh so very tight right now. Keeping fingers cross for a win. :)

  40. Anonymous5:42 AM

    apple pie with cranberries in it, apples hand picked from orchard in my town! can't get any fresher than that! and add homemade whipped cream and vanilla bean ice cream, also made locally.....

  41. Cherry pie is the best.

  42. Gillian9:24 AM

    Cherry pie in summer
    Apple pie in fall
    Pecan pie in winter
    I confess
    I love them All!

    Big Congratulations, Greg! Wishing you a stellar seller!


  43. Congrats on the book...I plan on buying a copy for my school library even if I win a copy. It will be a big hit with my MS students.

    My favorite ultimate pie is fresh apple pie with vanila bean ice cream. My grandma used to make this and I would always sneak a few apples out of the bowl after she mixed in the spices...mmmmm cinnamon.

  44. You mean I have to pick just one? I suppose key lime, but Shoofly and chocolate pecan are close seconds.


  45. Chocolate cream, coconut cream, and strawberry rhubarb - I cannot choose but one.

  46. Carvel ice cream pie, with the chocolate crumbs
    Key Lime
    Strawberry Rhubarb

    Preferably served with coffee. Or maybe a nice glass of wine (can I say that on a kidlit blog?). Or coffee spiked with wine...

  47. Books, pie, you sure we're not twins? Count me in, I need to win! (Bad rhyme, true statement.)

  48. I think I'm going to have to go with apple pie, but it has to be REALLY good apple pie!!! Gesine is my baking idol. Reading Life from Scratch right now!

  49. Congratulations! Rhubarb is my favorite!

  50. CONGRATULATIONS Greg! I love lemon or chocolate mirangue. YUM! :)

  51. I love most kinds of pie, but I think French Silk is my favorite.

  52. Fudge pecan pie!
    Thanks for the giveaway, too...

  53. Last year I read an essay about a woman who made 18 pies for one Thanksgiving meal. My plan is to make as many as I can this year, and I already have one in the freezer. You had me at "pie." My family's favorite is Tollhouse Cookie Pie.

  54. It is REALLY hard to name my favorite pie. I love pie. I've even had a birthday pie in place of cake because I vastly prefer pie to cake. (Not that I *hate* cake or anything. Just...pie is better.)

    And don't even get me started on savory pies--shepherd's pie...quiche...

  55. I'm supposed to choose? That's like naming a favorite child. But... blackberry pie as long as it's a la mode. If not, I'd have to give the nod to Key Lime.

  56. What a delicious giveaway! I can't wait to read 14 Fibs! My favorite pie is lemon meringue. I love to make it, although meringue has a mind of its own.

  57. And pie? I'm in! How about pie plant pie, aka rhubarb.

  58. The giveaway is officially closed. Thanks y'all for joining in the fun!

  59. Congratulations, GrandCanyonReadingTeacher! You're the double book winner. Drop me a line so we can mail you your tasty, tasty prizes!
