
Friday, September 13, 2013

Book Review: Anti-Gravity - a book review poem/a science poem

Book Review: Anti-Gravity
Greg Pincus

This book on anti-gravity will never make you frown.
In fact, the only problem is you just can't put it down.

What's that you say? I'm not allowed a groaner (with science that is not 100% perfect, I suppose)? Of course I am! It might be the only one that's part of this week's Poetry Friday roundup (hosted over at Teach Mentor Texts), but you'll only know if you go check it out.

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  1. Your english teachers must have loved you on book report days! And I'm not too ashamed to admit I kind of like groaners... once in a while.

  2. You remind me so much of one of my gifted boys. He loves coming up with groaners. He likes to write as few words as possible to get a laugh. I wish you and Matthew could meet. On my blog post today, he wrote the soft grandma poem. His favorite part to act out is the snore.

  3. Ha! I think you're totally allowed groaners is you dare to hang them out there without apology!
