
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

J. Patrick Lewis - Where is the Fourth of July?

Where is the Fourth of July?
J. Patrick Lewis

The Fourth of July
isn't what it used to be,
isn't what it used to be,
not even close to being close
to what it used to be back in the days of old.

Where is the Fourth of July parade?
The bands? Remember the bands that played,
picnics, cookouts, fireworks adventures?
Remember when Grandpa lost his dentures,
Granny made ice cream, the four uncles sang
(almost in tune) like a barbershop gang,

Saluting the flag? Dressed in red, white, and blue?
Kids riding bikes down the avenue?
Where is the Fourth of July of old?
I said to Gramps, "It's holiday gold!
July the Fourth is a household word!"
But missing his teeth, he said to me, "Son,
Ish only July da fird."

(©J. Patrick Lewis. All rights reserved.)

It's always nice (and a bit of a thrill) to have J. Patrick Lewis stop by here at GottaBook and share a poem. And today it's a poem for the 4th... or the 3rd... or both!

Whether you celebrate Independence Day or not, I wish you a happy Fourth. As for me... I'll be watching the fireworks, saluting history, and enjoying friends and family. Sounds like the July Fourths of old, perhaps? Just no lost dentures....

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