
Monday, April 08, 2013

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love April around these parts? I do! I get to share poems (and read them before anyone else!) and enjoy poems here and all around the blogosphere, too.

I'm particularly enjoying the comments left for the poets here (most of whom are active online, too) and on Facebook and Twitter and elsewhere. And I'm excited to see all sorts of new names hanging out, too.

There's all sorts of great poetry left to come this month - including, I should note, some older skewing ones, so if you're reading these to your 5 year old without reading 'em to yourself first, you might want to take a step back! And yes, you'll hear from me throughout the month, too.

And finally... another hat tip to Carter Higgins for this year's logo! It makes me happy wherever I see it. I encourage you to check out more of her work because I predict it'll make you happy, too.

1 comment:

  1. Love the logo, love the poems, love April, love poetry. And I think you're pretty swell too Greg!
