
Saturday, March 09, 2013

Poetic Madness, 2013 Style

Sweeeeeet! March Madness, poetry style, is back again thanks to  Ed DeCaria at Think Kid, Think. And once again, I'm giving it a go along with 63 other poetry loving foo... errr... poets!

The way the Madness works is pretty simple: we "face off" against another poet, each of us having 36 hours to write a poem based on an assigned word. This year, I'm a 13th seed, and that means my words are gonna be challenging. But isn't that the fun of it all? Yes!

I hope you'll follow along with the whole bracket. I'm in action starting Tuesday the 12th, and others begin the 11th. Last year was a blast and a great way to lead into the fun of National Poetry Month in April, too.


  1. Loved it last year. Looking forward to following along again.

  2. Best to you Greg. It'll be quite an adventure!

  3. Can't wait to see ya there! Game. On.
