
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Book's Coming in October! (And That's No Fib!)

It's true! The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. - my debut novel - is coming out in October from Arthur A. Levine Books at Scholastic.  In a word... "Yay!!!!!!!"

Look - you can pre-order it on Amazon!

You can see it in the Publisher's Weekly Fall 2013 Sneaks Preview (scroll down to Scholastic and see all the books coming from them and AAL Books)!

And if you listen really closely, you can probably hear me singing and shouting with joy and glee.

There are so many folks to thank, of course, and that includes y'all. I know so many of you have been hanging around these parts since this book was not even a manuscript. Others of you have come by more recently. And all of you here are a big part of what's kept me writing during the good and bad times. That's why I look forward to celebrating a lot with you in the months ahead.

I feel awfully lucky right about now: National Poetry Month and 30 Poets/30 Days are coming up, I get to see my debut novel's cover soon (and will share it here, natch!), and did I mention... my book is coming out in October?



  1. *shriek*
    I LOVE, love, love that title!!!!
    Congratulations to you!!!!

    *more exclamation points*

  2. Three cheers aren't nearly enough! Congratulations and we'll be watching for the cover art and release. Well done, Greg!

  3. Awesome, dude!!!!!!!!!!

    Send it to me when you have an arc and I'll review it at my blog:)

  4. Scope Notes6:49 PM

    Congratulations! Great news, Greg!

  5. Way to go Joe!!! I can't wait to read your novel.

  6. Hey Greg,
    This is tres cool. May your fibs do famously, drawing more folks into the magic of reading, going on to more printings, & launching you with panache into a brave new world.

  7. WOW! Congratulations and I will be looking forward to reading your book. Your poems always make me happy and I suspect so will your book and I will definitely review it on my other blog. I am very happy for you.

  8. Hurray, Greg! This is so exciting!

  9. Anonymous6:56 PM

    congrats congrats congrats!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. YAYYYY!!! BIG congrats, Greg!

  12. Huge congratulations for the book release! Can't wait to see the cover art!

  13. Terrific news! HURRAH!!!!! Keep up posted: EVERY step of the way!

  14. Congratulations, Greg!

  15. Anonymous12:48 PM


  16. Congratulations. Can't wait to read.
