
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bridget Zinn's Poison

It is rare that I focus on YA books here, probably because I am only 11 years old and don't yet read up. Or something like that. However, I did want to take a moment to talk about Bridget Zinn's debut novel, Poison.

I met Bridget at an early Kidlitcon. I think it was impossible not to like her, even via a brief encounter. She just exuded positivity and good humor and... you know... you just liked her.

So, it was exciting to see her on her path to publication, even though, unfortunately, she ended up on a simultaneous path of cancer, chemo and hospitals. Bridget passed away in 2011 at only 33. Nearly two years later, her book has finally arrived.

Many people who new Bridget better than I did have written about her - her critique partner, E.M. Kokie and her agent, Michael Stearns among them. There's a blog tour, a Twitter tag of #poison, and much more.

But really... what's going on here is a celebration of a debut novel that's garnering reader love. It's what all of us authors want. Are there deeper levels? Of course. So go kiss a loved one or rededicate yourself to your own manuscript or both!

And maybe, in celebration, you can spread the word about Poison, too!


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Greg. The book looks perfect for my 13-year-old. How sad to lose such a young talent as Bridget.

  2. Thanks,Greg. Her book is wonderful, a great romp.

  3. I, too, met Bridget many years back at a SCBWI-WI conference - and you are right, she was a delight. Looking forward to reading Poison and honoring Bridget's memory/work. Thanks for sharing.
