
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A Prompt Resolution - a resolution poem/a procrastination poem

A Prompt Resolution
Greg Pincus

I have a bad trait - I procrastinate.
Last year it was the worst:
The very first date that my work wasn't late
Was March the thirty-first.

I think the solution's a resolution,
So hear these words I speak:
"Elimination of procrastination
Starts soon! Perhaps next week!"

May you stick to all your resolutions... and may 2013 be filled with good health and happiness galore!

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1 comment:

  1. Ha! Your poem makes me feel better that I still have all my Christmas decorations up (Jan. 4). Epiphany - that's it! I'm leaving them up for Epipahny.

    Happy, Creative New Year, Greg!
