
Friday, November 09, 2012

Etto's Voice - an etymology poem/a music poem

Etto's Voice
Greg Pincus

Etto had the deepest voice.
He boomed out his words, and it wasn’t a choice.
So when he tried singing as high as a bird,
“False Etto!” was yelled...
And we got a new word.

For what it's worth, I had originally called this poem "Ettomology." Should I change it back?

The Poetry Friday roundup is over at Ed DeCaria's Think Kid, Think! today. Which is nice, as I started on the word "falsetto" due to his March Madness competition. Anyway, head on over and check out his effort to make the Poetry Friday roundup even more fun and relevant for YOU. Yes, for YOU.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Yes, change the title back. Then tell us about Soprano.

  2. I'm with Kevan :-)

    Fun poem, Greg!

  3. I like Ettomology too, and am already thinking of all to be done as Kevan said-soprano, alto... I like those final lines!

  4. I agree with Kevan. Would love to hear about Soprano. Alto, Contralto, Mezzo Soprano…actually anything you'd like to write about. Thanks, Greg.

  5. I vote for Ettomology too :). By popular demand, you must now do soprano, alto, et. al.

  6. Yes, yes! All votes for Ettomology. So Ettomology wins the election! At last, something to laugh about! : )

  7. There's got to be a "Stall, Etto!" poem in there somewhere, too ...

  8. Thanks, y'all. I guess it's time to return to the original title. Though... is it child friendly? A turn off? Exciting? I'm unsure. But hey, I usually title things for myself anyway :-)

  9. Keeping a second title handy is a good idea, Greg. It's nice to have an alto-native.

  10. What they said and yes, it is child-friendly enough. They will ASK what it means!!! And then you can tell them about his cousin sotto voce!
    Janet F.

  11. Yes, change the title back. My kids have always loved big words, from the earliest ages.

  12. Another yes for changing the title back. Also yes yes yes for alto, soprano, etc etc. Get your musicality on!

  13. Ha! And yes on ettomology!

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