
Monday, September 17, 2012

Tomorrow's #kidlitchat is all about School Visits

For those of you who might be interested, I wanted to let you know that this week's #kidlitchat will be all about school visits. Got ideas or questions or stories to tell? Come join us!

#kidlitchat is held every Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific on Twitter. For information about Twitter chats and joining in, I highly recommend Debbie Ridpath Ohi's article about chats for writers.

(Then, unrelated to chatting, I recommend congratulating her on her first picture book, I'm Bored, launching (and being reviewed in the New York Times by David Small!).)

 Hope to see you on Twitter on Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the congrats, Greg. :-)

    Unfortunately I won't be able to attend #kidlitchat tomorrow night; I'll be doing my very first book signing (woohoo!) & launch party in Toronto.

    Thanks, Greg!

