
Friday, August 31, 2012

Video. Poetry. Song. It's all good.

I wanted to share a video a friend of mine put together, as I think it's poetic in the best sense of the word. The video features parents of kids with disabilities offering up what they might have told themselves on the day their child was diagnosed. Powerful stuff, I must say.

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at Sylvia Vardell's Poetry for Children. You'll find all sorts of goodies over there (including a book I'm thrilled to be a part of and which you'll see more about here soooooon!).

1 comment:

  1. Greg, this is wonderful. Thank you. My brother & wife have a, now grown, child with Cerebral Palsy. They probably would make many of these signs for others if they had the chance. It's been a long road for them & for our family, but we did change & learn new ways of seeing blessings.
