
Friday, June 22, 2012

It Takes One to Know One - a whining poem/a complaining poem

It Takes One to Know One
Greg Pincus

Oh, my. Oh, my. How I hate when you whine.
You moan and complain although everything’s fine.
You’re simply a whiner. I find you a pain.
Please be more like me. See – I never complain.

It's summer vacation time here, so there's no whining, I tell you! It's also Poetry Friday, and Amy LudwigVanderwater has the roundup over at The Poem Farm.

And if you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. It's been a long, very hot day (104 in Denver). so I've read everyone's posts in fits & starts. Your poem hits the very spot I need to stand in right now, Greg. Love it, & I very much wish I had someone to whine to. I know it's vacation but I have no pool - the sprinkler will have to do. Thanks Greg, really just joking. I love your poem.

  2. Greg! Oh, this cracked me up. I swear, I probably am the mom who says something just like this. You always have a way at finding the funny... Happy Poetry Saturday!

  3. Laying this one on my crabby new teenager who is tired and bored and disgusted with everything about summer vacation which she loves.

    Thanks, Greg!
