
Friday, June 29, 2012

As Always... It's All About ME!!!!

OK, fine. It's actually about me and Katie Davis talking children's poetry, Fibs, social media, self-publishing e-books, and more on her podcast, Brain Burps About Books.

I hope you give a listen... and check out the library of Katie's other podcasts, too. Many, many fabulous guests not named Greg Pincus, I assure you!

What's that? What about a little more poetic me today? Well, sure!  Linda over at TeacherDance has posted a lovely review of the Late Bird! (And you can look in her April Archives and enjoy some of her own poetry, too, plus a poetrypalooza of posts). Thanks, Linda!

It's also Poetry Friday, with the roundup over at the Paper Tigers blog (a must-read blog for multicultural book info in the children's space, by the way). There, no doubt, it won't be all about me... but I'm sure it'll still be good :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'll go right over to the podcast, Greg, but first let me thank you too for the gracious 'thank you' & sending over to my post. I loved doing it & if I didn't like your poems, I certainly wouldn't have offered! Great to read & think about! (The other post looks good!)
