
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Late Bird Giveaway Winner!

Thanks to all of you who entered the Late Bird vs. Shel Silverstein giveaway.

Courtesy of the randomness of, the winning commenter is the person who left comment 38 (in the waning hours, no less!)...

Mike Hays! 

I'm sorry I couldn't give copies to everyone. I guess the rest of you should really just head on out and buy The Late Bird :-)  (Actually, I know many of you already have. You totally rock! All of you do!)

Thanks so much for all the comments, emails, tweets, reviews on Amazon, new tags on Amazon, and happy thoughts directed my way. I've been having a blast with the launch. I haven't yet moved into the Top 5 in the Children's Humorous Poetry charts on Amazon (and Shel hasn't moved out of there, either), but I have a sense of what that takes now raw number wise, and that was one of the geeky goals.

Congrats, Mike! And again, thanks to all of you for your support!


  1. Congrats to Mike. I couldn't wait. I bought mine already and finished it.

  2. I am, of course, a fan of the "buying it" strategy :-)
