
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We Need Books! - a synonym poem, a poem about books

We Need Books!
Greg Pincus

Our entire school library’s empty. It’s bare.
It used to be full, but now look: nothing’s there.

We’ve got zero books. We’ve got zip, zilch, nil, none.
There’s nada. A goose egg. We’ve naught, nix, not one.

To help change our null set, please send something for us.
We sure miss our books – most of all our thesaurus.

The above was written as part of Ed DeCaria's March Poetry Madness (where voting is now open for the "Elite Eight" round (in which I'm still participating!). My word was "zero" which I then multiplied (which in math would give you zero, but above gives 14 by my count).

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