
Friday, March 16, 2012

The Poetry Friday Roundup!

I'm hosting the Poetry Friday roundup today!

If you have a post you'd like to share, please leave a link to it in the comments, and I'll update the roundup throughout the day.

Here at GottaBook, I announced the 2012 edition of 30 Poets/30 Days. Every day in April, I'll be sharing a previously unpublished poem by a different poet... and when you see the list in that post of who's joining in the fun, I think you'll agree it's going to be a great month.

At Ed DeCaria's Think Kid Think, he's hosting some March Poetry Madness! There are already 64 poems on display for reading and, in some cases, voting. And there will be more sooon. You gotta see the great work folks are doing. And yes, I'm participating, as are many folks who hang around this blog. Go read. Vote if you'd like. And keep coming back as the competition goes on.

(If the post "ends" here for you, please click on the title above to see more.)

Over at Gathering Books, Myra features a poem by Margaret Atwood - A Women's Issue - to help celebrate women's history month (and, I'd add, cuz it's a great poem any time).

At Pentimento, you can check out  Canadian poet Alden Nowlan's He Attempts to Love His Neighbors.

Get your Nobel-winning poetry from Tomas Transtromer courtesy of Tabatha at the Opposite of Indifference.

"A Little Newt" is a fab poetry video from Renee M. LaTulippe. (And she notes, tweeting it got her followed by a Newt Gingrich PAC! Ahh, autobots!) Plus, check out her Red Riding Hood Went Ninja poem and post, recapping her round one experience in March Poetry Madness.

Jone features a poem from Cybils-winning Paul B. Janeczko's Requiem: Poems of the Terezin Ghetto. You can also read her interview with Paul.

At the Poem Farm, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater not only has an original poem up for Poetry Friday, she also hosts Linda Baie's students and shares some of their work!

Author Amok is Rhapsodic for Robots - collecting a few different robot poems and more: some video and rocking robot links.

Want a glimpse at a fabulous poem produced in March Madness and a glimpse into the scene? Check out Heidi Mordhorst's post recapping her battle of "decaffeinated" vs. "knack." (You must read this, actually, if only for the final line of her poem).

Katya gives us THREE original poems based on the word "androgynous." THREE! Go pick your fave....

Laura Salas is up with more of the fun from March Poetry Madness, including her epic battle there. Good times! For a bonus, check out her 15 Words or Less poems, too.

Bringing you a molecular biologist/poet (I know. I know. So familiar. I mean, we see that ALL the time, right?), Tara at A Teaching Life celebrates the work and poetry of Katherine Larson (a post which is also part of a Slice of Life challenge AND fits nicely with women's history month, too).

Whacked! That was the word given to Mary Lee. and she had to write a poem using it. Insights, links, and the poem itself all on view....

At Books 4 Learning, learn about Lee Bennett Hopkins' anthology America at War (and read some of it, too).

An original poem inspired by the poem The Thin Prison is up today at Bet's Blog (along with the inspiration). A great glimpse at how some ideas come to life.

Irene Latham shares a poem in praise of second place... and also has only six spots left in her April progressive poem! Sign up today (I'm already in, looking forward nervously to my day).

It's a great day for a touch of Ireland and a poem by Eavan Boland... and thanks to Robyn Hood Black, we have just that! Also, get a glimpse of her first round experience in the Poetry Madness.

Diane Mayr is a Poetry Friday roundup all by herself - all about Eve at Random Noodling, Irish Sweaters at Kurious Kitty, a wonderful quote at KK's Kwotes, and an original poem Kilroy Was Here at her Kids of the Homefront Army. Well done!

Hear two poems by Nick Flynn (whose memoir is the basis of the film Being Flynn) today at the Stenhouse Blog.

It's a slice of life from Carol Wilcox all about the how, why, and result of her experience in March Poetry Madness. An excellent read.

At the always yummy Alphabet Soup, Jama features Kate Coombs (a 30 Poets/30 Days poet this year!) talking about her gorgeous new poetry collection, Water Sings Blue.

How about a bit of Browning for your Friday? You can find Robert Browning's My Last Duchess at Sherry's Semicolon blog.

A post so nice, I'll mention it twice - Linda from TeacherDance has her class at The Poem Farm today. Great work on display by a younger generation!

They are thinking toads (and J. Patrick Lewis) at the Write Sisters today. (And a bit more March Poetry Madness for you, too!)

It is always a good day when Elaine Magliaro shares a new list poem... and she's given us Things to Do If You Are a Giraffe today at the Wild Rose Reader. A good day!

 Patriotic poetry for children is the topic today at Poetry for Children, Sylvia Vardell's must read blog (you do read it, don't you?).

An original poem, Apple Seeds, gets planted today courtesy of Steven Withrow at his Crackles of Speech. (You will see more from Steven in this year's 30 Poets/30 Days, by the way).

Over at the Iris Chronicles, today we get Author's Prayer by Ilya Kaminsky (as well as information about this deaf poet who, I must admit, I did not know. That has been rectified!).

Wordsworth! Need I say more? Well, I will, as I send you over to the Teaching Authors to see Daffodils and a bit of a tribute to one of their own.

The incomparable Charles Ghigna, also known as Father Goose, lets us peek inside his new book, I See Spring (with illustrations by AG Jatkowska). Fantastic!

Animals and humans often use the same tools... often differently. David Elzey has an original poem up about Tools. Definitely food for thought.

Found poetry... from a biology textbook! That's what Liz Steinglass shares today with her poem What is Life. And it has the phrase "consider barnacles" in it. Could you ask for more?

Time. It doesn't work the same for all of us, I think, and Ruth at There's is no such thing as a God-forsaken town shares Tamara Madison's Analog Time as well as some interesting and funny slices of life about... time!

Janet Squires talks about a bio of William Butler Yeats - check out the cover illustration!

Double the fun from Lorie Ann Grover: at her On Point, she gives us an original poem, Sea Swirl; at readertotz we get some Mother Goose!

At Biblio File, Jennie has a review of the verse novel Hurricane Dancers by Margarita Engle (who, I am pleased to point out, is part of the 2012 edition of 30 Poets/30 Days!).

And last, but certainly not least, read and interview with and a poem from the UK's Julia Donaldson (a Children's Laureate there, I must note!) over at Paper Tigers. She's talking libraries and helping fight against cuts in their services in the UK. Sounds painfully familiar, yes? Her Library Poem is apt everywhere.


  1. Hi Greg, thanks for hosting. Lots of activities going on in the kidlitosphere, such a vibrant community indeed.

    Here's our contribution for this week: Margaret Atwood's A Women's Issue:

  2. Thanks for hosting. I have a poem up by the Canadian poet Alden Nowlan:

  3. Hi Greg! Thanks for hosting. I'm raising my haydnflag today with poems by Tomas Tranströmer:

  4. Hi Greg, thanks for being the gracious host. Glad to see you pulled ahead in the voting! Looking forward to my next word...

    I'm up today with my latest poetry video for my poem "A Little Newt."

    True story: after I posted this, @NewtGingrichPAC started following me on Twitter. Do people read?

    BTW, are you confirmed for April at NWR? Sent you an email. Please let me know ASAP - thanks!

  5. Happy Poetry Friday, Greg! And happy Round Two as well! Thank you for hosting today in all of the madness.

    Today at The Poem Farm, I have an original poem explaining deja vu. And I am honored to host Linda Baie and her students as they share beautiful memoir poetry.

  6. Hi, Greg. Thank you for hosting today. I'm looking forward to all the April projects!

    I'm all about robot poetry today, with robot poems for elementary, middle and high schoolers -- including a robot reciting Ogden Nash. The post is in honor of my son, who is at the VEX national robotics competition this weekend.

  7. Good morning, Greg!

    Love, love, loved your "wired" poem, which turns out to be a daytime cousin to my "decaffeinated" one...

    I'm in with a recap of my matchup with Laura Salas.

    Looking forward to 30 Poets/30 Days! Thanks for hosting.

  8. Thanks for hosting, Greg.

    My contribution is three original kids' poems:

  9. Thanks for hosting, Greg--I'm in with the March Madness stuff, too:

    And 15 Words or Less poems at

  10. Thank you for hosting today, Greg. I'm multi-tasking today: Poetry Friday, the March Slice of Life Challenge and celebrating Womon's History Month with two poems by poet and molecular biologist Katherine Larson:

  11. I'm highlighting my first round poem with some thoughts about the process (ie: surprises).

  12. Thanks for hosting. Please add War in America.

  13. Greg, scratch my previous entry. I just wrote one up about the Madness 2012 tournament, so let's put that one in instead.


  14. Thanks for hosting! I too am doing double duty with a Slice of Life and a Poetry Friday contribution. Here's an original poem inspired by The Thin Prison, Leslie Norris (also included). Happy Friday!

  15. Hi Greg! Thanks for hosting. Especially for those March Madness contenders, I've got a poem in praise of second place.

    Also, just six slots left for KidLit Progressive Poem in April. Sign up here:

  16. Thanks for hosting, Greg! I'm in today with "Irish Interior" by Eavan Boland.

  17. Hi Greg! Have fun with the March Madness competition!

    At Random Noodling I have some poetical thoughts about Eve.

    Kids of the Homefront Army continues with "Kilroy Was Here."

    Kurious Kitty is celebrating Ireland with "Irish Sweaters." And at KK's Kwotes is a quote by Charles Sullivan.

  18. On the Stenhouse Blog we have two poems by Nick Flynn:

  19. Hi Greg! I'm double dipping, a little, ok, maybe I'm triple dipping, with the poem I wrote for March Madness, which is also serving as my poem for 'SLICE OF LIFE.'

    So excited about your April line up! It's always a highlight of Poetry Month for me!

    Thanks for hosting.

  20. Can't wait for April -- what a great group of poets you've got lined up!

    Today at Alphabet Soup Kate Coombs has dropped by to tell us about her beautiful new poetry collection, Water Sings Blue:

    Thanks so much for hosting this week!

  21. Your April celebration looks wonderful. My Poetry Friday contribution for today is My Last Duchess by Browning:

    Thanks for hosting.

  22. Thanks for hosting Greg. I'm guest posting at The Poem Farm today.

  23. The Write Sisters are thinking toads today, and Madness! 2012.

    You can find us at:

    Good luck, Greg!

  24. Happy Poetry Friday, Greg! Thanks for doing the roundup this week.

    At Wild Rose Reader, I have the first draft of an original list poem titled "Things to Do If You Are a Giraffe."

  25. Thanks for hosting. I'm really excited about another edition of your amazing 30/30 posts! Meanwhile, my post today is about patriotic poetry for kids during this election year.

  26. Thanks for hosting, Greg! Today I have an original short poem ("Apple Seeds") at Crackles of Speech:

  27. Thanks for hosting! I have a poem up by Ilya Kaminsky at The Iris Chronicles. Http://

  28. Thanks for hosting today, Greg. With so many spring flowers blooming early here in the Midwest, I posted the first stanza of William Wordsworth's "Daffodils."
    BTW, I LOVE your "Wired" poem. I could definitely use some caffeine this morning. :-)

  29. Thanks, Greg! I still marvel at all you do -- and appreciate your showing us how to do hyperlinks. ;-)

    We've posted a brand new fresh copy of I SEE SPRING! with beautiful spreads inside by Ag Jatkowska @ The FATHER GOOSE Blog

  30. Thanks for hosting, Greg.

    This week its a little ditty about the different ways man and animals use the same tools.

  31. Hi Greg,
    Thanks for hosting. Inspired by found poetry at Author Amok last week, I'm posting an original poem I found in my son's eight grade biology book.
    Happy Friday!

  32. Hey, Greg,
    Your poem ROCKED at the March Madness contest; that thing is a hoot. I love the nearly impossible words given -- I'm still slightly traumatized at the idea of trying to write a poem using the word "androgyny!" It's fun seeing what stumps and what inspires.

  33. I have a poem about time today. Here it is. Thanks for hosting!

  34. Thanks for hosting.
    My selection is "William Butler Yeats" edited by Jonathan Allison and illustrated by Glenn Harrington.

  35. So fun to return to your blog! Thanks for hosting.

    At On Point I have a haiku, Sea Swirl.

    And at readertotz we have Mother Goose, The Lost Shoe.

  36. Thanks for hosting today, Greg!

    I'm in with a review of the verse novel, Hurricane Dancers.

  37. Phew, just made it! I'm in with an interview with Julia Donaldson at the opening of her new exhibition at Seven Stories (UK), and a poem she wrote in celebration of l;ibraries/protest of proposed cuts to library services...

    Thank you for hosting
