
Friday, March 02, 2012

The Lorax Oddaptation (a re-issue)

It's been a long time since I've posted or re-posted an Oddaptation here. For the record, Oddaptations are kinda SparkNotes of picture books... except they're in rhyme and with a "pointed point of view."

Since today is Dr. Seuss's birthday (and Read Across America Day) AND the movie version of the Lorax is coming out, re-issuing this Oddaptation from the vaults seems appropriate:

by Dr. Seuss
Oddaptation by Gregory K.

The Lorax -- bossy, loud and rude --
Says to Onceler, “Listen, dude,
You’ve turned air all black and funky.
You’ve made ponds turn thick and gunky.
Trees are gone and now there’s weeds...
And no one needs your ugly thneeds.”
The Lorax doesn’t offer help.
All he does is moan and yelp.
Soon he’s overcome with stress,
And leaves behind one word: Unless.
Time goes on as time must do.
Onceler finally gets a clue.
When he’s learned he misbehaved,
He tosses you the seed he’s saved.
I say put it in your pocket
Then inside a safe and lock it.
Cuz if a forest blooms anew...
That Lorax will come back here, too.

The Poetry Friday roundup is over at Dori Reads today. Head on over and check it out (including Dori's fine, fine interview with Laura Purdie Salas who has TWO new poetry books out).

If you'd to get all my poems, including the Oddaptations, emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Thanks for sharing this poem. The Lorax is my favorite Seuss book.

  2. I prefer reading your poem to seeing the new movie. Ugh. I do love these poems that looks at a classic story from a new angle.

  3. I'm glad you resurrected this because I didn't know about your oddaptations, and of course like Dr. Seuss, so clever. I like when others 'speak' to a book or poem, and this is a good retort! Thanks!

  4. Delightful! I'm so glad you brought it out again. A perfect birthday gift.

  5. ah yes, takes a onceler to make a lorax, and vice versa

    fun, moreso than that movie, i gotta say.

  6. Thanks, y'all. And David, I haven't seen the movie yet, so all I'll say for sure is that this Oddaptation takes less time than the film :-)

  7. Wonderful! Thanks for the laugh.

  8. You're one of the most gifted people I know. And I know a lot of really gifted people.

  9. Love your Oddaptations! I think I'll share some with my students as Mentor Texts to get them thinking about trying that kind of writing themselves!

    (Did I tell you that they are enjoying reading your Kickstarter poetry on the classroom Kindle? :-)

  10. Thanks, Mary Lee. You know I love to hear that (both parts of "that" actually)! And Roxyanne - you're not only too kind but you've also given me a reason to have my mom read my blog and specifically this post! :-)
