
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Three Fabulous Things

Are you a teacher or librarian and want to have a free Skype visit from an LA-area YA author? Good! Because you have a chance to win a visit as long as you're outside Los Angeles county. There are eight wonderful authors joining in to help celebrate YALSA's teen tech week, and that means eight visits are available. Good luck!

Fab thing two: my friend Danny Rubin, the screenwriter of Groundhog Day, has a really wonderful new eBook out. It's called How To Write Groundhog Day, and I think it's a great read for any writer. Yes, some of it is Hollywood specific, but Danny breaks down the process of turning a concept into something as, well, as fantastic as Groundhog Day in a way I really haven't seen before. Plus, he's funny! I highly recommend it.

And fab thing three is this interview with David L. Harrison (a 30 Poets/30 Days contributor, I quickly add). For those who wear many hats or have many passions - teaching, writing, music, business, whatever - the way he explains how things intertwined for him is really fascinating.

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