
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Speak Up! - a Skeltonic verse

Speak Up! – a Skeltonic verse
Greg Pincus

When you speak,
Be unique.
Be offbeat.
Don’t repeat
Every tweet
From the street.
Use your brain
For your gain.
Read the news.
Hear more views.
Take a look
At a book
On your shelf.
Then think for yourself.
If you do
Think things through,
And then you
Make the choice
To use your voice,
Stay undeterred
And every word
Will be heard.

Once again I was inspired by the poetry prompt at The Miss Rumphius Effect, this time leading me to write my first ever Skeltonic verse. Or at least the first time I've known I was writing one, as it was a form I'd never encountered by name before. I do like experimenting with forms, though I admit it takes a prompt to get me there more often than not. (Thanks, Tricia!)

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  1. Nice rhythm, nice rhyme, great message. I'm so glad you played!
    I do love when I find a "new to me" form. That often means it's new to others too!

  2. Thanks, Tricia. I didn't find it a really easy form, I must say, though part of that is that I really had to "force" myself not to worry about perfect meter or whether I did 2, 3, or 4 iterations of a rhyme. That's hard for me... and thus good practice. And I'd bet that new to you will almost always be new to me, too.

  3. Great poem, Greg and great message. I'll have to try that form some time. Have a great day!

  4. Such fun, Greg! I love the way this swings along. And "Skeltonic"--who knew??

  5. Really great. You have written it so well, especially the switching rhymes. I left one in Tricia's comments, but couldn't seem to get it to switch. I'll have to work on another topic, perhaps.
