
Monday, February 27, 2012

A Non-Emergency Visit to the ER - a poem about patience

A Non-Emergency Visit to the ER
(a poem about patience)
Greg Pincus

I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting -
Grab my phone and play a game.
Then I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
And I'm - OOH! They called my name!
Now I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
In a different, dull, brown room.
And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
Like a nervous, anxious groom.
Yes, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting.
I'm not having any fun
As I'm waiting, waiting, waiting...
Boom! The doctor comes! I'm done.
Now I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,
For the forms that set me free....
Yet in the end the waiting's fine -
I'm healthy as can be.

Whenever I post poems about doctors or travel or manuscripts or other things that can called be "adult concerns," folks assume they are autobiographical. They are all drawn from experience and observation, of course, but in this case I want to note that no one needs ask how I am (or how anyone else specifically is). Honest!

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1 comment:

  1. This is a great poem, and so TRUE. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us!
