
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kidlitcon! Oh, Kidlitcon!

w00t! The 5th Kidlitcon is coming soon - September 16th and 17th in Seattle, to be specific. Are you going? You should, and not just cuz you'll see me there. You should go because it's a great chance to meet fellow bloggers who are passionate about children's literature AND a great place to learn, too.

Oh, yeah. And Scott Westerfeld is keynoting.

Plus, it's a really good time, if the past is any indication.

I've written about Kidlitcon before (here's one example), and this year, I gotta say, our conference hosts Colleen Mondor and Jackie Parker really seem to be raising the bar all around (no easy feat when you know how hard everyone has worked in years prior, always making Kidlitcon better than the year before!).

I hope you'll check it out... and I hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Greg! I wish I could be there! Last year's was a true eye-opener for me, and I will be there in spirit this year. Have a blast! A.
