
Friday, July 29, 2011

At the Beach - a beach poem

At the Beach
Greg Pincus

Tide pools. Shell walks. Drippy sand.
White capped breakers hitting land.
Body surfing. Miles to walk.
Joining in as seabirds talk.
Cooling breeze. Bright warm sun.
Nothing here that must be done.
Toys and tech inside, ignored.
On the beach I'm never bored.

This week's Poetry Friday Roundup is over at the Book Aunt. Go on over and check out the poetic goodies (including two originals by the host, Kate Coombs).

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kidlitcon! Oh, Kidlitcon!

w00t! The 5th Kidlitcon is coming soon - September 16th and 17th in Seattle, to be specific. Are you going? You should, and not just cuz you'll see me there. You should go because it's a great chance to meet fellow bloggers who are passionate about children's literature AND a great place to learn, too.

Oh, yeah. And Scott Westerfeld is keynoting.

Plus, it's a really good time, if the past is any indication.

I've written about Kidlitcon before (here's one example), and this year, I gotta say, our conference hosts Colleen Mondor and Jackie Parker really seem to be raising the bar all around (no easy feat when you know how hard everyone has worked in years prior, always making Kidlitcon better than the year before!).

I hope you'll check it out... and I hope to see you there!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I'll Name This Poem Someday... - a procrastination poem

I'll Name This Poem Someday...
Greg Pincus

I can't be sure - am I the best or worst procrastinator?
'Cuz when I try procrastinating, I say "Nah, I'll do that later."

The Poetry Friday roundup is over at A Year of Reading today. Go on over and check out the poetic goodies (and stick around and check out Mary Lee and Franki's blog, too, while you're at it!).

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two Years of #Kidlitchat! Join Us for the (Virtual) Party!

Would you believe that we've finished two years of #kidlitchat on Twitter? Well, we have. This Tuesday begins year three, and Bonnie Adamson and I are having a (virtual) party to celebrate. Well, okay, fine... we're hosting #kidlitchat on Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific and that'll be the party. You're all invited!

I hope you'll come join us as we talk about why we all pursue our interest in children's literature (be us authors, readers, librarians, illustrators, teachers, parents, or other!). If you've never been to a Twitter chat, Debbie Ridpath Ohi wrote a great article that'll help you get up to speed.  And if you've joined us before, I do hope you'll come on by again.

By the way, thanks to Bonnie's diligence, we now have a list of all the topics from the two years of chat. You can check it out right here... and be sure to thank Bonnie next time you see her!

Friday, July 08, 2011

No Poem Today - a writer's block poem

No Poem Today
Greg Pincus

No poem today.
The words won’t come.
My mind is bare.
My pen’s struck dumb.
The page is blank.
I’ve naught to say.
And that is why
No poem today.

It's Poetry Friday, and the fabulous Elaine Magliaro has this week's roundup over at her blog. Check it out for a gob o' fun.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Something's In the Air - a 4th of July poem/a friends and family poem

Greg Pincus

My friends have all been arguing.
My brother spats with sis.
My mom and dad
Are fighting mad
(Although I saw them kiss).

Perhaps it’s just the summer heat
That’s making tempers flare?
That could be true.
I have no clue,
But something’s in the air.

So now, today, July the Fourth,
I think a picnic’s right.
I’ll make a call,
“Come one and all,
Let’s eat and talk all night.”

I’ll post big signs about each guest,
I’ll list their flaws and quirks.
Then I’ll step back
To yell “attack!”...
And watch the fireworks.

Happy July 4th to you all (whether you're celebrating Independence Day or are, perhaps, overseas and merely experiencing July 4th as another day). For that matter, happy whatever day it might be when you read this! I've heard this Internet thang is forever, and you might just run into this another day... :-)

By the way, if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!