
Friday, June 17, 2011

Sleeping In! - a sleep poem/a sleeping late poem

Sleeping In!
Greg Pincus

Sleeping in!
What could be greater
Than staying in bed ‘til it’s later and later?
Forget about sunrise and breakfast and brunch,
If I have my way then I’ll sleep right through lunch.
Sleeping in!
There isn’t much to it:
You stay fast asleep - that’s the best way to do it.
On weekends, vacations, and random days off
(On days with no need to fake fever or cough),
There’s nothing that’s better than waking at 10
Then rolling right over and snoozing again.
Sleeping in!
I’ll start in tonight...
And practice all summer to get it just right.

It's Poetry Friday once again, so head on over to Check It Out for the weekly roundup, kindly gathered by Jone, and, uh, check it out.

Plus, if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Awesome, what I'd give for a lie in, or even a whole nights sleep lol.

  2. Fun poem. I love it. My favorite lines: There’s nothing that’s better than waking at 10
    Then rolling right over and snoozing again.

    My daughter says her best sleep is at 10.

  3. Sleeping in?
    Good grief--what's that?
    I wouldn't know:
    I have a cat.

  4. I'm with you, Catherine. I'm with you. And Doraine... my best sleep used to be at 10, now I hope for 6 :-)

    Thanks, too, Deborah, for giving me another reason to keep cats afar. I mean, dogs NEVER wake you up!

  5. Hmmm... tell that to MY dogs. Fun poem - thanks for sharing! :0)

  6. I plan to sleep in almost every day this week. Thanks for the inspiration

  7. Hee hee--yesterday was my kids' first day off from school. Early Bird did what he always does; Night Owl had to be roused at 10:10 when her friend arrived at the door. Me, I achieved 7:15 today! (with the help of Tylenol PM). My word verification is "warmous," which is what sleeping in sounds like.

  8. Love this poem!! Makes me want to be a teenager again. I still remember the first summer I came home from college and slept nearly the whole first day I was home. I wish I still had that luxury!

  9. Oh good golly! I can't sleep in to save my life! My husband however, is a recreational sleeper par excellance....I may have to send this poem to him. :)
