
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stuff! There's Stuff!

It's time for another update, particularly as we're about to kick into two-a-day poetry. Yes, because this is a special "more than 30 Poets" edition, we're gonna get two poems a bunch of days from here on out. I'm almost giddy about it, I must say....

I also have to thank everyone who's been supporting my Poetry: Spread the Word project on Kickstarter. Your support, tweets, status updates, emails, and, well, everything are much appreciated. I'm over two-thirds of the way to reaching my goal!

Finally, I'm gonna send you over to my other blog, The Happy Accident, where I wrote about a really fun social media experience I had when one of my old movies, Alley Cats Strike, became a trending topic on Twitter. Good times... and really rather meaningful for me, too. I hope you'll check it out.
And with that... it's back to the poetry! Enjoy!

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