
Friday, April 29, 2011

Kristine O'Connell George - Daze of the Week

Daze of the Week
Kristine O'Connell George

Little sister tells me
     today is Two's Day
     and two morrows away,
     from yesternight
     will be When's Day—

     her birthday.

© Kristine O'Connell George. All rights reserved.

Kristine O'Connell George has that poet's gift with words, I tell you. She can play with them, mold them, shape them, make them say whatever she wants to say in the exact way she wants to say it to get us readers to see things we might not otherwise see (or to laugh (like she did last time she was here) or think or or or). Lucky us!

The above poem could easily be in Kristine O' Connell George's new book Emma Dilemma: Big Sister Poems which features sisters Emma and Jess. (I can speak as an expert here, too, and say that this poem could be a brother poem, too!) The link between sisters is such rich territory in her poems and beyond and, in fact, the book has a Facebook page where folks are leaving stories and photos of and about their sisters. Good times, indeed, from a poet I'm so happy to have here as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.

Earlier today,  Linda Sue Park was Explaining Baseball to an Alien. Tomorrow, 30 Poets/30 Days finishes off with Jane Yolen! For more information on 30 Poets/30 Days and how to follow along, please click here.


  1. Clever wordplay, Kristine, and exactly like something a kid would say. Fresh and fun! :)

  2. Love that - and love the cover of the Emma Dilemma book. How cute.

  3. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Like Kristine.

  4. This is such an honest and heartfelt book! (As a big sister, I know.) A perfect addition to any library. Thank you, Kristine, and Greg, for sharing this poem. A.

  5. Kid language, captured perfectly!
