
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ann Whitford Paul - Caterpillar

Ann Whitford Paul

Chapter One

Caterpillar creeps,
searching for a secluded twig
where her drama
can unfold.

Chapter Two

Caterpillar spins a cocoon—
its snug study
to better imagine
wings and flight.

Chapter Three

Caterpillar is gone.
A new character—
Moth—flutters about
the sunlit page.

© 2011 Ann Whitford Paul. All rights reserved.

Three chapters, three stages of life, two characters (or one, perhaps, really deeply using method acting), images and drama... and all of that in 37 words. That's what Ann Whitford Paul has done for us in Caterpillar, which I think is a lesson in word choice and clarity. I mean, it took me more words than that to get to here!

Besides offering up fabulous poetry, Ann has a book that's come out since last time she was at GottaBook called Writing Picture Books. The book's a great resource for anyone trying to write my favorite type of book and definitely worth checking out. For that matter, so her picture books and her poetry which leads me to say, with clarity and brevity that I'm so happy to have Ann Whitford Paul here as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.

Earlier, we had Joyce Sidman with Mudbath, Interrupted. Tomorrow... Chess by David L. Harrison! For more information on 30 Poets/30 Days and how to follow along, please click here.


  1. Oh I'm so happy you have Ann Whitford Paul here too! Brilliant poem, very dreamy and accurate. Love it!

  2. The lifecycle of a moth is its own little story. I like that.

  3. Brevity for the win!!!!!!

  4. Lovely, the motion, the light!

    Thank you.

    And re: the metaphor, I love the idea that telling a story . . . transforms me. That is new and revelatory. Thank you.
