
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Book Trailers and Ebooks and Apps, Oh, My!

Over at the Happy Accident yesterday, Darcy Pattison wrote a guest post about book trailers - not only ideas about how to use 'em, but also stats about how teachers and librarians like 'em and use 'em. I really found it informative... so if you haven't seen it, I encourage you to head on over if you're at all interested in book trailers.

Also, yesterday's #kidlitchat was about ebooks and apps, and the transcript is now up for perusal. A lotta good links and ideas were shared, so if you're interested in that area of the biz, it's also prolly worth a check.

Trailers and ebooks and apps also seem pretty linked to me. We're still at the infancy of how books and video and interactivity are gonna work together. Fascinating times, indeed.

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