
Friday, January 21, 2011

Spinach - a vegetable poem/a food poem

Gregory K.

There are little bits of spinach
Up above and down beneath.
I'm glad you like your vegetables...
Now please go brush your teeth!

One of the joys of sharing this silly little ditty is learning that many families have secret words or signals to let kids and parents know that they've got a... uh... a "little extra in their smile" as one young friend shared with me. Do you have a code word? Wanna share?

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at A Teaching Life. Why not go on over and check out the poetry love going on in the kidlitosphere today?

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. No secret words for us, just that little "tap-tap" signal with a finger on the tooth or corner of the mouth!

  2. We do the tap-tap, too, usually as unobtrusively as possible while continuing to talk. Funny, our little habits.

  3. our signal is to smile at the person and then run our tongue across the front of out teeth. this works well in public, especially if you can catch a person's eye without everyone else seeing.

    fun ditty, btw.

  4. Ha - great poem! Inspires both healthy eating and good dental hygiene. We don't have a code, but I really think we should have one since we eat greens almost every day and end up with green smiles almost as often.

  5. I love this. No, we don't have a secret code word either, but we sure need one. Perhaps we should discuss that at dinner tonight.

  6. Yuck! Great fun! Both!
    Now we need a code word...thank you for the tip!

  7. I like the smile and tongue flash clue. I'll have to start teaching that one! Thanks for this cute ditty!

  8. Spinch. Why did it have to be spinach?
    Our family signal was to point and laugh.

  9. Fun poem! Thank you.

    Off to go discuss a secret signal...
