
Saturday, December 04, 2010

Twitter Tags of Interest for Children's Literature (from Picture Book to YA)

Here is an attempt to create a list of the various tags used on Twitter that relate to the field of children's literature. This will be a "living" document, changing as Twitter changes and as new tags pop up.

#kidlit - used all the time. used for news of interest in children's literature. (To be honest, this tag isn't used as often as it could be!)

#kidlitchat - used on Tuesdays at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific for a weekly chat about all things kidlit, but used sporadically through the week, too.

#YALitChat - used on Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific for a chat about YA, but also used all week long for YA Lit type topics.

- used on Thursday at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific for a weekly chat about the art of picture books. Used some during the week, too.

#yalit - used all week long for items related to YA Lit.

#PBlitchat - another picture book chat tag, writing based. The chat has moved off Twitter, but the tag still used for picture book stuff during the week, too.

#scbwi - used to tag news and information related to or of interest to SCBWI members (local, national, and international)

#titletalk - a Sunday chat, but the tag is used during the week, too, highlighting specific titles

#amwriting - a cross-genres and cross-age groups tag for those who are writing

#speakloudly - this tag deals with a situation involving Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak, and is still heavily involved in issues involving challenges to children's books.

#nfmon - used to tag posts related to non-fiction Monday.

#NFforKids - used all week long for links related to non-fiction for kids.

- used to tag posts related to Poetry Friday.

There are many more tags that cross into children's literature from time to time:

#askagent, #publishing, #books, #poetry, #amediting, #literacy, and no doubt dozens more I'm forgetting.

There are also tags like #kidlitcon that relate to individual events and others that relate to one-time chats. I am trying to list only tags that work year round.

Have any to add to this list? Please let me know so we can keep this list up to date. Leave a comment here, email me, or even tweet me!


  1. Thanks Greg! This is just what I was looking for today.

  2. Thanks, Greg - a great help. Maybe you could add #yalit which seems to be popular.

  3. Thanks, JudiJ! Don't know how I forgot #yalit. I've added it in.

  4. Thanks for this Greg! Just what I was after :-)

  5. Great list, Greg!

    Another one is #nfforkids
    It's similar to nonfiction monday, but can be used all week whenever posting about nonfiction for kids.

    So much to keep track of. It's nice to have it all in one place.

  6. Great list/resource. Thanks, Greg!

  7. Thanks, Lori, for #nfforkids. I added it to the list.

    And thanks to all who've commented, tweeted, emailed, etc!

  8. Great list, Greg! Thanks for your help...

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Great list for helping organize the twitter reading. Thanks!

  10. Thanks Greg. So useful.

  11. Thanks, Greg, very useful. Here are a few more that come in handy:
    #childrensbooks (long but it's used)

  12. Wanted to let you know about a new twitter forum that's starting up in the UK for all things kidlit and YA related:

  13. Anonymous6:37 AM

    how are you supposed to use these hashtags? I have seen them in tweets but how do they work?
