
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The SCBWI Summer Conference is here!

Well, "here" as in it's time, not "here" as in on my blog.

If you're at the Conference, I do hope you'll say "hi." I'm mighty thrilled to be on the faculty this year, but I'm even more excited to be able to reconnect with so many friends and connect with new ones....

If you're there, also think of coming by and joining in our Tweetup on Sunday at 5:30 in the hotel lobby. And if you're there or not, follow along the Conference tweetstream via the hashtag #LA10SCBWI (and, of course, the fab SCBWI team blog where they will be live-blogging the conference)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm a Sweetheart!

More specifically, I'm the Featured Sweetheart over at the Texas Sweethearts' blog! Y'all should head over and check out their site: Jo Whittemore, P.J. Hoover, and Jessica Lee Anderson have a great, fun group blog going on over there, and I'm flattered to be part of it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fibbing on a Poetry Friday

What better day to talk about Fibs than on a Poetry Friday? (Well, I suppose a 11/23/58 woulda been a good day, but I wasn't blogging back then).  And what do I have to say about Fibs? Well...

The Fib Review is still going strong, now with issue #6 online. It's mighty good reading... and for those of you so inclined, they take submissions. More than one GottaBook reader has ended up in the Review, so why not join the group?

Also, head on out and check out William Cullerne Bown's new blog/project - A Year in Fibs. He's posting a Fib a day... and he's just begun. That's an ambitious project - they aren't always easy to write, I must say - and it should be fun to follow.

Finally... it's Poetry Friday! The weekly roundup is at Language, Literacy, Love. Head on over and enjoy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

#kidlitchat turns one!

Can you believe it? We've now had 52 #kidlitchats on Twitter (you can see the transcripts here). It's been a fabulous year, and we'd love to have you join us for a community celebration this week. If you're new to chatting, you might want to check out Debbie Ridpath Ohi's great blog post on Twitter chats. If you're a frequent chatter... thanks! And either way, I hope you'll come join us on Twitter this (and every) Tuesday night at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific.

See you there!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Combination = Win!

Today I'm sending you off again to celebrate poetry Friday... and the first stop combines two poets who were both part of this year's 30 Poets/30 Days celebration. Yup... you can find Charles Waters being interviewed over on David L. Harrison's blog!

Here on GottaBook, you can also find Charles' poem, I Love Being Me, and David's poem, Lookit!, from this year's celebration.

For more poetic fun, you can also find the Poetry Friday Roundup over at Carol's Corner today. Enjoy!

Monday, July 05, 2010

I Am a Grammarbender

I'm a big fan of the series Avatar, the Last Airbender... and I love applying the idea of "bending" to other things besides air, water, fire, and earth as in the series. Some other bending seems really useful - timebending, perhaps? But being a Grapebender? Probably not so much.

I also always wonder what bending could help writers (or give us a common vocabulary to refer to certain writers or, I suppose, for editors and agents to classify certain submissions).

Grammarbending seems useful. Spellbending? The computer might fight it, but still.... e.e. cummings was a master Capitalizationbender. And... what else?

As I await answers, I'm gonna practice my timebending. With any luck, you'll have read this a few hours before I posted.

Friday, July 02, 2010


PoFriWeRo is my new acronym for the Poetry Friday Weekly Roundup. Don't all thank me at once :-)

This week's roundup (aka PoFreWeRo) is over at The Poem Farm. Go on over and check it out!

And while you're at it, if the mood strikes you, you can see my poem from last week - Hello, Summer! - translated into Chinese. I do so love the web!