
Friday, May 07, 2010

Book Report on the Thesaurus - a homework poem/a thesaurus poem

Book Report on the Thesaurus
Gregory K.

Words? There were lots, very many, a ton.
Plot? There was zero, zilch, zip, nada, none.
I found it enjoyable, likable, fun...
But was glad when it finished, completed, was done.

I'd call this poem a companion (or partner or kissing cousin or... or... or) to my poem Book Report on the Dictionary. What can I say? Reference books inspire me....

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at Random Noodling. Head on over and see what else is going on poetically today (including Fibonacci poems by some talented kindergarteners).

And... if you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Hooray for reference books! Great poem, Greg.

  2. What would we do without the thesaurus? And poetry? And your wonderful book report?

  3. This is great. You're a true poet if the Muse stays with you on the thesaurus page!

  4. So cute!
    Okay, so how about a poem for "The Chicago Manual of Style," or maybe Onions' "A Shakespeare Glossary?" or maybe even a rhyming dictionary, or a bike owner's manual, or, or, or...
    you just keep doin' what you're doin' - it's awesome.

  5. Linda Baum8:06 AM

    This is a great one!

  6. So funny! And clever! Thanks!

  7. So sharp-witted, sage, and smart.
    Who knew poetry was a funny art?

    Laura Evans
    all things poetry

  8. Can't wait to see what you'll do with the atlas, the almanac and the encyclopedia!

  9. Clever and funny - the hallmarks of your work, Greg.

  10. Thanks, y'all. And I appreciate the other reference book suggestions!

    I was amused to find a reference today to the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary, available for a mere $400. The volume(s) took seventy years to complete! Makes me glad to stick to poetry....
