
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow....

Why? Because tomorrow is when I'll be officially launching the 2010 edition of 30 Poets/30 Days. Am I excited? Oh, yes. And I hope that tomorrow, any of you who are excited will help me spread the word: it's fun, free, fabulous poetry for kids and their adults all month long!

I'm also excited because Bonnie Adamson put together some logos for this year's event. I finally narrowed it down to two, figuring that was better than eight! I get to play with those tomorrow, too (Blogger willing, of course).

See you all then, but I've gotta book - so much to do, so little time :-)

1 comment:

  1. schedule crystal report6:41 PM sound like a sweet dad...kinda reminded me of my dad who would recite funny poems to us when we were younger...he loves hanging out in the porch during full moon and tells us stories of his youth
