
Friday, January 29, 2010

A Poetry Re-issue: I Wrote the End

This is the first poem I posted here at GottaBook, within a week a starting the blog. Since I'm doing a bit of "retrospective" between my 1,000th post and my fourth blogoversary, I'm posting it again. It's the only poem I've ever changed for the blog, so this version changes two words to return it to the original form.

I Wrote the End
Gregory K.

I wrote the end of this short verse before I wrote the start.
I wrote the end because I knew the end by heart.
I wrote the ending first since that’s my favorite part.
I wrote the end of this short verse before I wrote the start.

Head on over and check out the Poetry Friday roundup at Anastasia Suen's Picture Book of the Day. As with every week, there's good stuff to be found!

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

And to the 12 readers who were here the day I first posted this... thanks!


  1. That's a great poem! And congratulations again on your blogoversary and your 1,000th post!

  2. Quite a deep conversation in the comments of that original posting!

    Looking forward to reading this poem again in four more years!
