
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1,000 Posts, and I Want to Celebrate... with YOU

This is my 1,000th post here at GottaBook, a milestone which seems like a fine reason for a celebration. There have been a lot of highlights for me here, and between now and my fourth blogoversary on February 21st, I'll be talking about them, featuring some popular posts and most Googled posts and poems, sharing some news and who knows what else.

That'll be fun for me, and I hope for you all, but that's not the celebration I have in mind today. Nope. Today is about you.

Because the truth is, you're the reason I keep blogging. You're the reason it's fun. I know so many of you now from your comments here, from reading your blogs, from email exchanges, and even from meeting in person. A lot of you know each other, but it's always seemed unfair that so many of you DON'T know each other.

So I want to turn over the comments of this post to introductions. I want you all to say hello, link to your blog or website, and, if you want, give a one sentence "blurb" about you/your blog/whatever.

I'm not talking self-promotional spam, so don't worry about putting that link in. Just something like "Hi, I'm Greg Pincus and I blog about children's books and poetry at GottaBook." Heck, you don't have to say that much if you don't want. I just really want you to tell everyone who you are.

And then, I'd love it if each of you went to visit one, two, three or more new-to-you blogs you find here. I'm telling you, you'll like each other!

I'm serious here - you're a diverse group and you really should get to know each other.

Some of you will lurk, as you've always done. That's fine - this is a no pressure invite (though I'd like to meet ya!). A few of you might think I'm not talking to you - you don't come by all that often or you've never spoken up. Well, I trust your judgment, but personally I'd err on the side of joining in.

Thank you for being such a big part of the first 1,000 posts here. I look forward to hanging around with you going forward, too.

Now, I hope you'll help me celebrate and meet me in the comments. I'll be the guy passing the hors d'oeuvres....


  1. wow, that's a pretty major milestone -- congratulations!

    I'm Greg's brother Jon, and I blog about all kinds of stuff at Liminal States and my startup Qworky's blog Better Software/Better World.

    Looking forward to meeting everybody else!


  2. Yo, bro! Thanks. For those of you who want to leave a live link like Jon did, you can use simple HTML (here or any any Blogger site (and most others!)):

    <a href="yourURLhere">Site Name Here</a>

    So (with no line breaks, btw)...

    <a href="">GottaBook</a> becomes

  3. Congratulations, pardner! Does that mean you'll be popping up in reruns on Nick at Nite now? :-)

    I'm Greg's co-host for #kidlitchat on Twitter. I'm working on the blog (it's going to happen, I swear); old site is still up at

    Any friend of Greg's is a friend of mine--so, happy to meet you all, in advance!

  4. Greg -
    1,000 posts is astounding! Congrats! And thanks for hosting this comments party!

    And hello, all. I'm Lee Wind. My blog is all about empowering Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Teens (and everyone else) by talking about GLBTQ Teen Books, Culture and Politics. It's called I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I Read? and I'd be delighted if you'd stop on by!

    I'm also one of the bloggers of SCBWI Team Blog (the group who live-blogs and tweets the Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrators international conferences) and we'll be blogging this week's Winter conference at the SCBWI official blogsite! There's lots of great stuff there on agents and editors and the whole world of children's literature and while it's no replacement for going to the conference, it's certainly the next best thing!

    I'm also an occasional reviewer for guyslitwire, this great site for books for teen boys.

    Wow - who knew I was so blog-chatty?

    Enough, and on to the next guest!


  5. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I'm an aspiring YA author, and I write inspirational blog posts about writing, taoism, and life.

  6. Wow, wow, congratulations, Greg!! That is an amazing milestone, and thanks for giving us a place to meet each other!

    I'm Rita, and I try to keep my blog entertaining--on the way in which a storyteller sees life. Come say hi at rhcrayon: The Blog!

  7. Hi Greg, and congratulations! What a milestone! I am usually one of the "lurkers," but today I just had to join the celebration.

    I don't have a blog or website—yet—just writing and trying to finish up a MG novel and a few random PB manuscripts that might someday warrant a blog or website . . . but I try to read as many blogs as I can each day . . . so, there's that!

  8. Congratulations on 1000 posts, Greg! I love milestones like this. And what a neat idea to get people to meet one another (quite in keeping with everything you're doing at your other blog, and on Twitter).

    I'm Jen Robinson, and I blog at the oh-so-creatively named Jen Robinson's Book Page. I review kids' books (picture book through YA), and also talk a lot about raising readers and encouraging literacy. Most weeks, I also post roundups of events from around the Kidlitosphere.

    I'm also the Literacy Evangelist for the Cybils, a series of book awards for children's and young adult books, given by bloggers.

    I look forward to checking out some of the other blogs linked here.

  9. "Hi, I'm Greg Pincus and I blog about children's books and poetry at GottaBook."

    Oops. I mean, I'm Lisa Yee and I blog about my writing adventures (and misadventures) at

    Congrats on your 100 x 10 posts!!!!

  10. Congratulations, Greg!

    I'm Carol Grannick, and Greg inspired me with information and confidence to begin blogging at, where I show writers how to create and maintain resilience.

  11. Greg, congrats on the millineblog. Now that's impressive. I'm Mary Ann Fraser, a children's book author/illustrator and I blog about Kids Lit, Kids Art, and other Obsessions at

  12. Woohoo! I love parties! Oh, and thanks for making me feel like a slacker for not celebrating my own 1000 milestone last year. (I think it was during the frenzy of April!)

    I hope you're around to celebrate 2K!

    I'm Tricia and I blog at The Miss Rumphius Effect. I review poetry and nonfiction for kids. I also write about teaching, math, and science.

    Nice to meet all you lovely folks.

  13. Congratulations on your 1,000th post! It's always a pleasure hanging around the kidlitosphere with you - and in person. By the signature you can see it's MotherReader here, also a member of the 1,000 post club (let's make T-shirts!), blogger of books, and writer of comments.

  14. Wowza! That is amazing Greg. You are my go-to guy for poetry month!

    I have been blogging over at Welcome to my Tweendom for about 3 years now and Booktopia for a couple of years before that.

    I was lucky enough to meet Greg at the first annual Kidlit Con in Chicago.



  15. Congrats on your 1000th post, Greg!

    Hey, Everybody! I'm Mary Lee and I blog with Franki at A Year of Reading. We're "two teachers who read...a lot"!

  16. Congratulations on a major milestone! I admit I usually lurk - and read through my blog reader. But I am a faithful reader and love your poetry!

    I blog about life in general at The Simple and the Ordinary and about writing at .

    My debut YA novel WHEN MIKE KISSED EMMA came out in August. I'm trying to finish up another.

    It's great to meet everyone!

  17. Hmm - me again. It looks like my second link didn't take.

    I blog about writing at Simply Put.

    I hope it works that time.

  18. Nice to see you all! And I'm glad that Tricia picked up on the fact that I did this to make her feel like a slacker. My work here is done. Let's all go home :-)

    Nah! The party's just starting, so I'm gonna head back to the kitchen and... uh... order some pizza!

  19. Congratulations, Greg! 1000 posts in less than 4 years...I look forward to see what amazing things you bring to the blogging world in the next four. What a creative way to celebrate...spreading the love of blogging and connecting with others.

    I'm Lara Ivey and I blog about children's literature (infant-middle grades) as well as share reading tips and stories from my family at Grow Up With Books

  20. Wow, 1000 posts! I bow in awe before you! I'm Jenny Schwartzberg, and I'm a very slow blogger who blogs occasionally about the history of children's literature and beloved old children's books at Jenny's Wonderland of Books

    I first met Greg at the first Kidlitosphere conference in Chicago. He's a great speaker, and his advice on blogging inspired me to eventually set up mine a few months after the conference. Thank you Greg! Nice to meet all of you and I'll go check out your blogs right now.

  21. Oops. I'll try the link again: Jenny's Wonderland of Books. Fingers crossed!

  22. Hi, I used to run the SCBWI Westside Schmooze with the infamous Greg. I'm a YA writer, usually drifting towards the sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal/environmental. Is that even a genre? And I blog about where my daily life and my writing intersect.

    Thanks for the hor d'oeuvres, Greg! Especially the mini-quiches... What a great party:)

  23. Anonymous6:03 PM

    You're inspiring me: I still haven't posted this week (which might bring me up to about 45 posts). I write about writing, reading, editing, kids, and other stories that grab my attention at Ann Marie Gmable: Notes from the Wordsmith Trenches. Now off to do some more reading!

  24. Greg, I'm happy to join the party, and happy to have met you at the Santa Barbara Cyber-Promotion Tools Retreat, which we should perhaps be referring to as SaBaCyProTo.

    I raise a virtual glass of Dogfish Head IPA to your blogging and tweeting prowess!

    Harold Underdown
    The Purple Crayon

  25. Wow, Greg! 1000 posts!?!? I'm in awe. :-)

    My name is Olgy Gary and I met you at the 2009 KidLitosphere Conference in Washington, DC where you totally wowed me with your presentation. Good content and well presented.

    I'm an educator, author, ghostwriter, translator, full SCBWI member, Pen Woman, wife and mother. I'm originally from Cuba and thankful to have found a home in the USA after we were forced to leave our homeland.

    I manage Children Come First, an educational nonprofit corporation and blog at Olgy's Blog, where I write about Cuba, writing, high achievers and more.

  26. Greg, congrats on 1000 entertaining and informative posts. Awesome.

    I just hit my five-year anniversary over at Bonny Glen and it was pretty amazing to think of all the fascinating people I've met thanks to blogging.

    Here's to your next 1000!

  27. 1,000 blogs is a pretty overwhelming number. May you go from strength to strength! Thank you for empowering us to join you.

    My name is Kathy Bloomfield and I am blogging about Jewish children's literature and secular children's literature with Jewish values content over at forwordsbooks - kids books that matter

  28. That's a whole lot of writing, Greg! Congrats on making it to 1000!

  29. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Congratulations for your dedication to blogging. I follow you on my google reader. I blog at: 4IQREAD, but I have not even achieved 300 posts yet! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful party. Kirsten

  30. Wahoo, my friend Greg! Fantabulous work!

    Hiya everyone else, I am Thalia Chaltas, author of YA novel in poems BECAUSE I AM FURNITURE and my blog on character voice and photography is at

    Special fib for my friend:

    had a hundred posts
    party on illustrious host!

    Okay, I know, but it's off the cuff, dahlin!

  31. Congratulations, Greg! 1000 posts is an impressive feat. I'm Dee and I blog about writing tips and kids and YA writing news at



  32. Hi Greg, I've brought some virtual tapas and cheap red wine to toast your achievement.. Glad to have met you at what Harold dubbed the SaBaCyProTo retreat --your knowledge about social media is only exceeded by your generosity in sharing it with us. Thanks from an uppity woman who has been in the publishing biz for almost four (gulp) decades, doing books for readers young and old. I'm creeping up on going live with my blog, which will likely be at my website,

  33. Hi Greg,
    The pizza was great! Did you get my Singing Telegram congratulating you on the amazing accomplishment of your 1,000th Blog Post? It should be there at any minute . . . no fib. Thanks for your invite to the 30 Poets/30 Days Party last April! With inspiration from you, Lisa, Harold, and Anastasia I'm hoping to get my blog up soon.
    JoanBransfieldGraham Cheers, Joan

  34. Congratulations, Greg! I always love reading your blog... and you're lots of fun to have a conversation with.

    I blog at Booklights and Wizards Wireless.

  35. Congratulations on a major milestone, Greg. And what a kind idea to turn the tables around to your many guests.

    I'm a children's author/blogger/poet who blogs over at
    SusanWrites about finding the courage to create the stories that only we can tell.

    Looking forward to meeting you in person next month at Asilomar!

  36. Hey, Greg! Happy 1,000! I'm raising a cyberglass of bubbly to you!

    I'm an author of picture books and the early reader series, Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa. I was at the aforementioned SaBaCyProTo, getting initiated into the world of social media. Someday I too may blog. Meanwhile, I have a website -

  37. Congratulations Greg! Here's to thousands more :)

  38. Greg,
    Congratulations and a thousand good wishes! My name is Madelyn Rosenberg and I blog about kidlit, the road to publishing, and a little bit more at I met you after you did an inspiring presentation at the bloggers conference in Arlington. Still inspired! Have a great week!

  39. deborah freedman4:50 AM

    Delurking to say Happy 1000, Greg! You are an inspiration. I also want to thank you generally for your friendly sharing of so much internet knowhow with the rest of us...

    I'm an author/illustrator, and newbie blogger.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. (Oops - needed to make the links work...)

    Greg! Congratulations on 1,000 posts! You've created one of the best examples of what blogging can be, and I loved hanging with you at SCBWI-LA in 2009!

    I am also an avid blogger/techno-geek/children's book author/illustrator. I offer free coloring pages at my blog every week and also host author interviews, blog book tours, talk about the method of writing, illustrating and marketing yourself as a creator, woot about big news and events in our industry and share some generally fun stuff at Hope you'll stop by!
    Elizabeth O. Dulemba

  42. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Love your blog. I am an elementary school librarian. Got hooked on your blog last April when you did a poem a day. Especially like your fibs. Keep writing and we will keep reading.

  43. I love Greg's tweets (lots of info) & have checked out his poems here which I've thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks for all your contributions to the online community, Greg! Happy 1000!

    I'm an aspiring author/illustrator of picture books. I'm a lurker at times but I'm making progress... While Greg was writing his 1000th post I was writing my first real blog post:
    Guess I've got some catching up to do!

  44. Happy 1000th post! We appreciate YOU!!!

  45. What I find just as impressive is you've been blogging since 2006 (5 years!) according to your archive. Very impressive indeed.

    I'm Janelle and blog at Brimful Curiosities, a hybrid book/mommy blog with the tagline, sometimes children's books, sometimes not. On Fridays, I post a weekly compilation of kid's book giveaways found around the blogosphere.

  46. Hi, I'm Sally and I'm an alcoholic.

    Whoops!!! Wrong forum. heh heh

    Hi, I'm Sally and I review books, interview authors, and rant mean I always speak kindly about all bloggers, writers, and editors involved with children's publishing industry because the kidlitosphere is such a danged small virtual world.

    Sally Apokedak
    Whispers of Dawn

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Oops! Sorry I reposted this because I was trying to figure out how to add in the url, but I guess I need a little more practice...

    Congratulations! I'm only on blog number 5!

    My name is Lisa Green and I started a fictional blog that ties into my genre - Paranormal YA. So come take a peak, I hope it'll be fun! It's
    Hope that works okay, - like I said I'm new to this
    Oh - and I'm making an effort to at least visit if not comment on as many blogs as I can!

  49. 1,000 Posts!! It sounds like you're putting in a fence :)


    You've come a long way since we graduated together from Madam Russo's School of Poise and Etiquette.

    I hope you receive 1000 comments to go with your 1000th post.

    Best Fishes,
    Dan Hanna

  50. Congratulations, Greg!

    Thank you for sharing poetry,
    inspiration, tips and fun.
    A thousand posts to get here -
    But you've only just begun!

    I blog about kid's lit and art - and I interview kids on what they read at:


    I hope to meet a lot of your readers.

  51. Congrats, Greg. You tenacious blogger you. I've loved the content over the years.

    from the other Greg

  52. Greg,

    Mazel tov! You have given so much to our blogging community. You are a big reason I jumped on board and it has been a great ride!

    My name is Barbara Bietz. I'm a children's book author, blogger, and chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee.


  53. Gotta love what you do, Greg. You inspired me with your enthusiasm and joy. As you kept reminding us at the cyberpromotion retreat in Santa Barbara, have fun blogging. I’ve taken that advice to heart by following my passion on my blog Reading, Writing, and Recipes.

    BTW: The hot link to my blog doesn't seem to be accepted so you can visit me by clicking on my name above this message or typing in

    Again, congratulations to a nice guy.

  54. I'm Mary Ann Dames, children's author and registered dietitian.

    Greg, I gotta tell I love what you do. You inspired me with your enthusiasm and joy. As you kept reminding us at the cyberpromotion retreat in Santa Barbara, have fun blogging. I’ve taken that advice to heart by following my passion on my blog Reading, Writing, and Recipes.

    BTW: The hot link to my blog doesn't seem to be accepted so you can visit me by clicking on my name above this message or typing in

    Again, congratulations to a nice guy.

  55. Congratulations, Greg!
    I always find your Twitter posts to be interesting and informative.

    I'm Madigan, and I'm a children's librarian who blogs about children's and YA literature, library programs, and whatever else strikes my fancy at Madigan Reads.

  56. Congratulations on reaching 1K - no doubt in my mind you'll be going strong at 2K, Greg.

    I'm Julie, and I teach in the MFA-Writing for Children program at Vermont College of Fine Arts. My blog The Drift Record tends to wander flaneur-like (Unpredictable and slightly askew) through the worlds of poetry, kids books, graphic design, and links to strange goings-on in the world, from strange maps to the way birds flock, from Calder mobiles to poker to phases of the moon.

  57. Congratulations, Greg. And thank you for giving us this opportunity to meet each other. I'm a children's author and writing teacher. I have the pleasure of blogging with 5 other published children's author at, where we share writing and teaching tips. (We're relatively new to the blogosphere--only around 150 posts so far.)
    I see some familiar faces, here, and some new ones too. I look forward to checking out all the new-to-me blogs.

  58. 1,000 posts? Congrats! That's awesome. I'm Melissa and I blog about whatever I read (from MG on up) at Book Nut. I'm also a chronic lurker, which is something I'm going to try and work on this year...

  59. Anonymous1:42 PM

    A remarkable accomplishment Greg. Congratulations. I'm Rhonda Hayter and I'm a member of a group of 23 YA and MG authors with our debut books coming out this year. We're called the Classof2K10 and we're bloggin' over at

  60. Congrats, Greg! And what a great list you have going here already!

    My website includes my blogging of all the gory details of my path to publication.

  61. Congratulations! I've made it a recent goal of mine to comment more, so this is a perfect opportunity. I always appreciate your encouragement to others venturing into the blogosphere.

    I'm a YA author and have a website at with a blog, but I also have a separate blog about good read-aloud picture books. I've found some other blogs here to check out for ideas -- and I will of course comment on their posts!

  62. What a great idea---thanks!

    I blog about books and writing, but my blog is most famous for its Frances-isms...

    Check out my giveaway of SPLIT (ARC)
    signed by Swati Avasthi at Midwinter ALA.

    Hope to meet some of Greg's other fans! See you!

  63. Congrats! What an accomplishment! I'm a brand newbie in the KidLit blog world. I don't even have my website saddled up with all the technology yet. And I have fewer than 10 posts. Well, enough about my accomplishments.

    I specialize in poetry. I blog about books for homeschoolers that help them complete the state English Language Arts standards. I write information articles for wannabe beginning poets.

    Gregory, I read through some of your "Oddaptation" poetry. And I wrote this poem for you:

    Gregory K's poetry
    is funny and witty.
    The odd thing is
    was it written
    for adults or a kiddy?

    So my vote for "The Polar Express" Oddaptation is #1 if the poem is for adult audiences and #2 if it is for children.

    Everybody is welcome to stop by my blog and leave a comment.

    Again, congrats, Gregory!


  64. Hi, I just posted and my link isn't working either.

    If you want to go to Teach Poetry K-12 cut and paste:


  65. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Congratulations on 1,000 posts! Thanks for inviting us all to share (and showing us how to do the link)! I'm a debut YA author who blogs at 13 to Life and I'm a member of the Class of 2K10.

    Now off to check out some links...

  66. Congrats! You are my cyber-inspiration! I am an aspiring kid-lit author and you can find a map of my journey to publication at


  67. What a fun post! I'm Christy from

    I have published articles and hope to have a book(s) published one day as well.

    I blog mostly about YA literature or whatever I deem blogworthy. I currently have an interactive art project floating around blogland. I'd love more people to join in! :0)

  68. hmmm . . . let me see if I can get the link to work this time.

  69. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Happy 1K, and what a nice way to celebrate!

    I'm Jennifer Hubbard, and I blog about writing and books at writerjenn on LiveJournal.

    I'm happy to say I recognize several of the commenters from their blogs!

    Also, my blog reading pattern seems to be different from most of the world's: I have the least time to read & comment on blogs during the week, and more on the weekends.

  70. Wow. Congrats!

    I'm pretty new to blogging, making the feat seem exceptional.

    I'm Swati Avasthi and my blog is about writing and reading as a writer. As such, I try to do bi-monthly interviews with authors to discuss the craft of writing and the choices they made in their work.

  71. Encore!! Encore!!

    I'm James, also known as The Old Coot, and I'm strictly a consumer when it comes to books. I blog about anything that interests me, so kidlit is just a small part of the blog, but it does get mentioned from time to time!

  72. Congrats on the 1000th! You give me something to aspire to!

    Hi, I'm Liz, and I blog about my quest for publication, and whatever else strikes my fancy (including Star Trek and lucky underpants) at Liz Czukas

  73. Wow! I'm having such fun at my party thanks to y'all! I'm glad to see familiar faces and a few de-lurkers, too. I'm also happy to see folks checking out each other's sites (which I'm doing, too).

    Now, please... party on!

  74. wow, 1k posts!! congrats on achieving that amazing feat, greg!:-) here's to many more!
    cheers & aloha from edna, an author/illustrator who blogs about her adventures in kidlit and everything else orbiting around it at just sketch

  75. Congratulations on 1000 posts! Thanks for bringing all of us together. Hello, I'm Julie, I blog about barbecue, and I've been known to write poetry about it.

  76. Wow--1,000 posts! Congrats, Greg! Can't wait to check out some of these blogs listed!

    I'm Lori Calabrese--I blog about children's books at Lori Calabrese Writes! My first picture book is coming out in the spring called, The Bug that Plagued the Entire Third Grade.

    I'm also the national children's books Examiner for

    Hope you can stop by and visit!


  77. Congratulations Greg!

    I blog at Charlotte's Library about fantasy and science fiction books for kids (at the moment lots of middle grade, some YA).

  78. Greg -- keep blogging and thank you for the opportunity to introduce ourselves and connect to one another. I am a member of the Tenners and 2k10, authors with debut novels launching this year.
    I blog about Writing, Technology, and Hopeful causes regarding children, education, hope and the worlds of possibilities. Please visit at
    Wishing you continued success....!

  79. Congrats Greg!
    That milestone is far distant for me but I have to say that blogs such as yours ensure me that such a goal is possible.
    Hi All,
    I am a poet writer who blogs about the days at


  80. Congratulations, Greg, on 1000 posts, and may you have many more! :) Thanks for inviting us all to the party. I'll have to wait until later to really peruse everyone's comments (I'm already avoiding work at the moment!) but here's a tiny bit about me: I'm a writer (YA, articles, and literary fiction), artist and graphic designer. I share a blog with author Tanita Davis at Finding Wonderland and also keep a personal blog at aquafortis.

    Nice to meet everyone!!

  81. I'm late to the party, but not too late to say, "Congrats, Greg!" Keep on blogging!

  82. Hi, Greg, congrats on your 1000th posting, what a terRIFic milestone! I am Carol Rasco and I blog about Reading Is Fundamental and children's literacy and other things that amuse and amaze me at RascofromRIF. Also, check out the Reading Is Fundamental or as better known, the RIF
    website for great, fun activities for kids and parents as well as tips for educators!

  83. Congrats Greg. I'm Mikal, and I blog about business and tech lifr at and Qworky's blog Better Software/Better World ( I'm new to the gotta book wagon, but other than post 1, what better time to join than post 1000,

  84. What a lovely way to celebrate! I've just published my 75th post on Playing by the book ( and feel amazed at reaching that milestone so thinking about 1000.... well that's inspirational! I write mostly about picture books and the play they inspire in me and my kids.

  85. Wow! Congrats on 1000 posts, Greg! Loved meeting you at the KidLit Conference in Arlington last year -- your talk was definitely the highlight for me.

    Nice to meet all the other commenters here. I'm Jama Rattigan and I blog about food and children's books at alphabet soup: Bibs are optional, no reservations required.

    Happy almost 4th blogoversary!!

  86. Whoa, 1K posts - I am not worthy...but seriously, congrats and here's to many, many more for you.

    I blog about children's public library work over at Tiny Tips for Library Fun

  87. I blog for the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library at My blog is for kids - I tell them about good books, mostly new fiction.

    I try to give them chapter excerpts, audio clips, book trailers, author interviews and other related content.

    1,000 is quite a milestone!

  88. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hi Greg,
    Congratulations on your 1000+ posts! Such an accomplishment, and clearly your thoughts are valued by many.

    I blog about middle grade & YA literature, and librarianship in general, at I hope someone stops by and leaves a comment!

  89. Wow, what a great bunch of folks. I enjoyed scrolling through the roster.

    I blog and try to post once a week, about writing at

    I write for both the children's market and the grown ups so my comments tend to stray. But isn't that what blogs are supposed to do?

    Good luck, Greg, and blog on!


  90. Hi Greg! did I just see you in New York??

    I'm an SCBWI-er, and YA debut author (FAITHFUL, May, 2010), and I try to blog mostly about other authors' books at
    Through The Wardrobe

    Congrats on your 1000th post - what an accomplishment!

    And authors - please contact me if you'd like to be interviewed.
    xo - Janet

  91. I'm embarrassingly late -- but have had a mental note for a while now to come here, albeit late, to wish you happy 1,000 posts!

    Lucky us.

  92. WOW! Congratulations on 1000 posts! Quite the milestone!

    My name is Cassie and I am a freqent visitor. Besides being a wife and mother, I am also the Children's Librarian at a large public library. My current blog contains book reviews for mostly the preschool/toddler set. Read it again, Mom. I would love to add in all my storytime tips, but haven't quite gotten my head around how to do that yet!

  93. I like your community sharing idea.
    I just started a blog about painting and illustration and inspiration.Momently, I am posting paintings and pastels of sunrises.

  94. I'm more than a day late and a dollar short, but I wanted to add my hearty CONGRATULATIONS on your 1000th post, Greg! You've acquired a well-deserved following. Here's to 1000 more funny/informative/thoughtful postings. name is David LaRochelle and I'm a children's author (and pumpkin carver) from Minnesota. I blog with 9 other children's authors at One Potato...Ten!

  95. Congrats Greg!! Hope the party is still going on. I'm Andi and I blog about kid's books & poetry at A Wrung Sponge. I'm about to come up on my fourth blogoversary in March too! What great company I've been keeping...

  96. Hi Greg, congrats on your 1,000 posts! Wow! That's an accomplishment! I can't wait to check out some of the bloggers listed here.

    I'm Linda, and I blog at
    about writing. I also blog at htt:// about poetry and children's books. I hope some folks will stop by and say hello.

  97. Congrats, Greg!

    I blog at my website Beverley BevenFlorez, YA & Children's Writer about the writing process, world-building, the writing community, and thoughts and tribulations as I strive to get my first book published. On Fridays, I host the Writers' Well--a recap of the best kidslit writer blog posts of the week.

  98. Greg,

    Congratulations and thanks for pointing me in this direction. I write children's literature but I blog about stuff that comes up as an author/illustrator/ and photographer. I plan on adding you to my RSS feed.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  102. Anonymous3:30 AM

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