
Friday, December 18, 2009

Search Poetry - I Enjoy Popping Bubble Wrap with My Pinky Toe

The following poem was created not just by using any search terms that led people to GottaBook this week. Nooo. Instead, each of these search terms, including the title, was followed or preceded by "poem" or "poem about" (or those in plural form). So it's a "poem searching search poem" - a found poem for the Internet age. Or something like that!

I Enjoy Popping Bubble Wrap with My Pinky Toe
compiled by
Gregory K.

Wishing for a baby
If I were a star
Apology to my family
You got a new car

My first day at school
Donuts. Doughnuts. Breakfast
Hockey goalies cool

Monkey's party. Hat. S'mores
Bad week. Stuffy node.
Homework. Naughty Christmas
Coffee. Meatloaf ode.

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at Susan Taylor Brown's Susan Writes. Head on over and see all sorts of poetry and related posts... and probably nothing else nabbed from search terms!


  1. That is unreal! Very meta-poem - I love it!

  2. Thanks, Julie. I admit to having a weird fascination with search terms, so this seemed like a way to make looking at them seem more productive :-)

  3. Fun!
    You gotta love people who love meatloaf poems! :)

  4. Wow - you took bubble wrap to a whole new level. I didn't think it was possible!

  5. Wow - you took bubble wrap to a whole new level. I didn't think it was possible!

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Great poem! Although I prefer beer with my meatloaf, and coffee with my donuts. :-)
