
Thursday, December 10, 2009


So screamed I many times today as I read Lemony Snicket's The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming, a Christmas story aloud enough times that my vocal chords needed a rest.

And I started to think, what does it say about me that among the read-aloud highlights for me over the years, many are marked by the ability for me to scream loudly or say words like "underpants" loudly to the great glee of the listeners? How much is my enjoyment of the unexpected... and how much is the reaction? Can you separate the two?

I have no answers, but maybe while I'm resting the chords overnight, one of y'all will know :-)


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    You aren't alone. I LOVE when a book encourages me to get a little loud.

  2. "How much is my enjoyment of the unexpected... and how much is the reaction? Can you separate the two?"

    Can you separate the two? No.

    That's my answer, that's why I'm sticking to it, and that's why I gave CHICKEN CHEEKS to my colleagues to read aloud!!
