
Monday, October 19, 2009

A very few notes from Kidlitcon

The third annual conference of bloggers of the Kidlitosphere (loosely - those of us who blog about children's literature from pretty much any perspective and covering everything from board books up to YA books) was a blast!

It's great to meet bloggers who you sorta feel like you "know" already anyway. This year, there were many whose blogs were newer to me, but everyone proved to be wonderful whether I'd read them or not.

There was tons of great information throughout the day. Perhaps the most "important" part was that Pam Coughlan (aka Mother Reader) arranged for a representative of the FTC to come address our group to explain what their new guidelines mean for those who review books on blogs.

The short answer is that independent reviewers - as opposed to those endorsing a product through a marketing program - don't have to worry about disclosure of where they got their review copy. (Though I'd note... why not say?)

The longer answer and more nuanced points (like about affiliate links) are summed up in many great posts from fellow attendees. I'm going to send you to two posts, both of which link you to even more!

Michelle at Galleysmith has a great round-up of the talk.

Similarly, Liz Burns has a great write-up at A Chair, A Fireplace & a Tea Cozy.

Finally, you can check out the Twitter stream for the day from Kidlitcon to see what else you might've missed, content-wise. I'm afraid I can't make up for any missed fun - and there was plenty - but you can start planning for next year right now to make up for it!


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    You modestly left out that the highlight for many of us was your presentation on social media. Your story caused my jaw to drop! You defined the power of social media and its benefits to writers--well, those who choose to do all that. Some of us need to go to bed early!

  2. Sorry I couldn't be there, Greg. I hope the conference returns to Chicago some time so I can attend.

  3. Your KidLitCon presentation rocked, Greg. Thank you so much.

    And your explanation of Twitter terms at was a huge help just now.

  4. Hi Greg! I agree that your presentation was one of the highlights of a fantastic day! I did a summary at:

    And while I was at it, I posted an explanation and pictures of my Prime Factorization Sweater. Here it is:

  5. Greg, thank you for your visit to my site and your kind comment there.

    Wordver said pestr, so I did :)
