
Monday, October 12, 2009

On the road again....

I'm in Seattle, getting ready to present a four hour workshop called Unleashing the Power of Social Media for Writers and Illustrators thanks to the fine folk at SCBWI's Western Washington chapter.

I must tell you... I love this social media stuff! I could talk about it for far longer than four hours (more than five, really: I get a bonus hour tomorrow night at the chapter's bigger monthly professional series meeting. That's NOT sold out, so check the above link and come on by).

I continue to believe that we folks in the world of children's publishing better be using the tools available to us... and we need to understand how it all works. Yup. I could talk about this a lot :-)

I hope to see some of you up there... and I'll see the rest of you right here soon enough. But for now, I gotta book!


  1. Greg, thank you so much for the terrific worshop you gave today. I came away with some gems, esp regarding the use of Twitter. Your Twitter shortcuts page on is the best!

    And thank you also for your kind mention of readergirlz!

  2. Great info at the meeting last night, Greg. Thanks so much.
