
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Did you know...

... that when you say "pooped" in a read-aloud with second graders, you get really wonderful reactions?

Yes, I suspect you did. But it's true!

Interestingly, you get great reactions from adults, too....

Good times. Good times!

(By the way, the word in question came up while reading from Adam Rex's Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich in the poem Godzilla Pooped on My Honda)


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Ditto "underwear."

  2. You should have heard my crowd of 10-14 yr olds during our Shakespeare Club's Macbeth reading this week: Lady MacBeth's "unsex me here" monologue had the boys completely flattened with laughter.

    Your post also reminded me of my first month as an editorial asst at Random House Children's Books (in 1993). We received a furious letter from a mother who could not believe the "filth" we had published in a beginning reader: a pirate story featuring a character name Captain Poopdeck. The horror!
