
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Come See Me October in Seattle

(This post is cross post from my other site, The Happy Accident. If you happen to see it twice, well, the truth is that I really do want to see you all in Seattle! That's all I'm saying....)

On October 12th and 13th, I'll be up in Seattle, courtesy of the wonderful folks running the SCBWI Western Washington Region.

On the 12th I'll be presenting a four hour "Training Camp" seminar called Unleashing the Power of Social Media for Writers and Illustrators. How wonderful are the folks up there? Registration for that class appears to be closed already!

On Wednesday the 13th, I'm doing some mini-consultations, giving direction, advice, and strategies for getting the most out of social media based on what they're already doing... or not!. As I type this, there are still spots available.

Finally, on Wednesday evening, I'm giving a talk called Setting Yourself Up for the Happy Accident at the region's monthly professional series meeting. Martha Brockenbrough will also be speaking that evening, and I'm really looking forward to the whole event.

Registration information is here (the same link as the above two, by the way).

Look for other seminars and workshops soon and feel free to get in touch with me if you want me to come speak to your group.

And I look forward to seeing some of you in Seattle!


  1. I'm really looking forward to hearing you speak at SCBWI in Seattle. Unfortunately, I have a "day job" that prevents me from participating in the other sessions.

    Thanks in advance for venturing our way!
    Robin Gaphni
    aka The Book Nosher
