
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A New Twitter Chat - all about children's literature!

Bonnie Adamson and I are excited to announce a brand new Twitter chat that we'll be co-hosting. The first chat will be Wednesday night, 7/15, at 9 PM EDT/6 PM PDT, and we're using the hashtag #kidlitchat for now. Neither time nor tag are set in stone, by the way, but we wanted to get up and running sooner rather than later.

We hope that ANYONE with an interest in the craft and/or business side of writing for children, from board books through YA, will come join us.

The initial plan is that each chat will feature topics from a range of craft and business areas (hopefully suggested by all of us chatters!). We also hope to incorporate special guests in future chats. This first one will also include a focus on what we all would like to get out of a children's literature Twitter chat - be it community, knowledge, specific topics, a recreation of an SCBWI schmooze or...????

If you have any ideas, questions, or want more information, please leave a comment here or find Bonnie or me on Twitter.

Hope to see you there... and look for updates here and there as the chat evolves!


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Oh, geez. Now I REALLY don't want to go to the meeting at the school that's at the same time!

    Make it a good one, guys, so there's another one next week! :)

  2. Oh, we'll have others, Becky. Some folks are gonna be in line for some movie or another. Harry... Harry... Potato? Something like that.

    Here's hoping Twitter stays up for us! (And see you there, Paul!)

  3. This sounds GREAT!!! I want in!!!

    Nuts! I'm actually going to be at the Potato movie. Please please do this again!

  4. Great idea! And thanks for introducing us to Bonnie Adamson's illustrations. I just visited her website. Stunning...and FUN!

  5. I'm requiring myself to produce another thousand words tonight, so I'll have to wait till the next one too - but this is a fabulous idea. Thanks for organizing!

  6. The first chat was a smashing success, I think. Or at least a lot of fun (and thus a success in my book).

    I've put up the transcript here so you can check out what you missed (or review what you saw!).

  7. Anonymous2:34 PM

    My husband is a professor at a local college just outside of Birmingham and I was hoping to bring some
    people to the blog to give there thoughts and opinions on the educational resources I have been
    providing (both amateur and professional).
    It is (appropriately) named The Top Education Journal. You can visit it by going to
    I hope you decide to check it out, so far friends and colleagues have been very supportive. Thank you.
