
Friday, July 10, 2009

Father Goose Blogs!

Charles Ghigna, aka Father Goose, is now blogging! Ooooh... and he's posting poetry. In a word, "yay!"

Charles was one of the participants in 30 Poets/30 Days here at GottaBook, and since it's Poetry Friday, it's a fine time to re-link you to his "A Poem Is..." contribution to that project.

And finally, don't forget to go check out the roundup of Poetry Friday posts over at Jama Rattigan's alphabet soup. Good times, indeed!


  1. Yay indeed. Thanks for the heads up, Greg!

  2. Hi Greg!

    Thanks for the Pa Goose props!
    And for all your help in waddling my way through this bloggin' business.
