
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What a Girl Wants....

Over at Chasing Ray, Colleen has kicked of a series with a post called "What a Girl Wants: The Books We Can't Forget." The series itself will tackle various issues for girls and books, with this entry serving as an introduction to the group who'll be having the conversation.

Reading was not as big for me growing up as it was for many of my book-loving friends or, for that matter, my book-devouring brother. So, there truly is no one book that holds a special place in my memory... though I will say that it was reading a slew of mystery and action-adventure books (hand picked by Mom!) that made me start to appreciate reading a whole lot more.

What about you? Is there a book you can't forget or a book that made a huge difference for you growing up? Feel free to mention it here or go on over to Chasing Ray and jump on in the conversation....


  1. I get to be first! The first book I remember is 'Heidi'. My mother read it to me during picnics on a blanket in hte back yard. I coudn't have been more than four. I know I couldn't read it myself yet... I still love Heidi - she was a great little role model.

  2. "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" where I found that a girl could love, love reading - like me.
