
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Bright, Glowing Cheers!

I'm excited when any of my friends have new books out, and I love seeing them get good reviews, too. That'd make me doubly pleased to see that Chris Barton's The Day-Glo Brothers got a starred review in Kirkus. But I admit I'm even happier than normal.

You see, I met Chris at the very first SCBWI conference I attended - at the late, lamented open-mic night, specifically - and we've stayed in touch ever since. He and his blog are among the chief reasons I started blogging, in fact, and you'll see him over there as the first blog in my (waaaaaay out of date and in need of love) blogroll. I was excited when he sold Day-Glo, felt his angst as it was delayed and delayed, and now am thrilled to see that the wait and work was all worth it.

Congrats, Chris! And I'm looking forward to the rest of the books in the pipeline hitting the shelves....

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